Mother Nature.... She Is Something

Ventucky Red

Pattern Altitude
Jan 9, 2013
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You have probably heard on the news about the waves pounding the California coast... and yes they are..

Here is a different take on the "if it bleeds it leads" news you may have seen..

There is a reason why they line the harbors with BFRs.
Locally, no, Mavericks, yes...

No surfers

They are all out drinking their fancy 5-step Sparkling Cardamom Cold Brew coffee made with Kopi Luwak which is produced from coffee beans which have been partially digested by the Indonesian palm civet and then excreted.

They are all out drinking their fancy 5-step Sparkling Cardamom Cold Brew coffee made with Kopi Luwak which is produced from coffee beans which have been partially digested by the Indonesian palm civet and then excreted.

Your Kopi Luwak reference is like 20 years out of date. All the rage in the 2000s but now it’s typically boycotted in coffee circles for the factory farming and animal abuse it has inspired in Indonesia. It also isn’t actually particularly better than normal good coffee, more of a Veblen good than anything.
Your Kopi Luwak reference is like 20 years out of date. All the rage in the 2000s but now it’s typically boycotted in coffee circles for the factory farming and animal abuse it has inspired in Indonesia. It also isn’t actually particularly better than normal good coffee, more of a Veblen good than anything.

Sure, stop drinking civet poo coffee because it might be animal abuse, and not stop drinking something from the a$$ of an animal... :lol:
They are all out drinking their fancy 5-step Sparkling Cardamom Cold Brew coffee made with Kopi Luwak which is produced from coffee beans which have been partially digested by the Indonesian palm civet and then excreted.


Your Kopi Luwak reference is like 20 years out of date. All the rage in the 2000s but now it’s typically boycotted in coffee circles for the factory farming and animal abuse it has inspired in Indonesia. It also isn’t actually particularly better than normal good coffee, more of a Veblen good than anything.

Sure, stop drinking civet poo coffee because it might be animal abuse, and not stop drinking something from the a$$ of an animal... :lol:

Amusing, and possibly not far from the truth.

Yes, they may look like Rastafarians, but some of the "REAL" surfers that I know are some pretty intense athletes and real stand-up citizens - who probably don't even drink coffee...:)

I am not a practitioner of the sport, but I do appreciate it.. BTW, no way in hell would you see me even think about getting the water with some of those waves.
The video's overly dramatic music turns the piece into humor.
Let me guess... you go to a wedding and complain that the bride is too pretty... enjoy 2024!
It was simply high waves washing over a breakwater. It happens often. The imagery alone was boring and not dramatic. The disconnect between the mundane imagery and the overly dramatic music was what I found funny. Almost Monty Pythonesque.
Let me guess... you go to a wedding and complain that the bride is too pretty... enjoy 2024!
I dunno....I was expecting a bit more based on the opening music also. Maybe it is just that the bride has been married 5 times before....:)
It was simply high waves washing over a breakwater. It happens often. The imagery alone was boring and not dramatic. The disconnect between the mundane imagery and the overly dramatic music was what I found funny. Almost Monty Pythonesque.

We were recording 15 to 20-foot waves locally, up to 30 feet in other places.... nothing mundane about that.

I wonder how this restaurant has fared.

We were recording 15 to 20-foot waves locally, up to 30 feet in other places.... nothing mundane about that.

I never said the weather event was mundane. It wasn't. The actual weather event was dramatic. I was dissing THAT PARTICULAR video. Big deal, some rocks got wet while people,vehicles, homes, and businesses were awash.

I have friends in California and I've seen the ACTUALLY dramatic videos of folks running from the waves, waves washing down streets, and the aftermath. None with any kind of audio overlay. That may be why the breakwater video bugged me--the juxtaposition of REAL drama, REAL tragedies, and a bunch of wet rocks.
ah another thread about grumpy old men complaining about something in a state where they don't live. :lol:

Our little town got flooded twice this past week. Surf was good, though.

