More flying low and fast!

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Dave Siciliano
Y'all are probably tired of seeing this kind of stuff. Sorry if you find it boring <g>

Let's see if I can recall how the calls were answered: It wasn't us sir! We didn't have anyone up then. You must have the wrong side number 123243 was in maintenance then. Must have been those guys from that other unit flying XXXs <g>


Thanks, Dave. It's always great to watch that stuff. (Even better if one can say they did it once or twice.)
Seems like Jesse oughta be in there somewhere...
Don't normally like videos overdubbed with music (would rather hear the planes!) but that was the perfect song for that perfect video. Thanks, Dave!
Cool stuff!

(I might have done some low level flying down a valley below the ridge last week... then again, maybe it was somebody else...)
haha I loved the guy giving the finger to oncoming traffic....Classic stuff

Thanks for Posting this Dave
Reminds me of fly'n in the aircoupe.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Great vid! Loved it!
Check out the 'More Info' on the video. See anything interesting about their 'sources'? ;)
Glad y'all liked that one. I've seen many of the individual parts; nice compilation.

I did helicopters; so, nothing on here I personally did. When the bad guys started shooting missiles at us in RVN we did fly tree top level as a counter in the cobras. Came in with tree limbs in the skids. I was in the front seat and the PIC in back usually put us right through the very tops of the trees.

Funny, we used to put F-4 guys in the front of Cobras and scare the snot outta them. They weren't used to being so low. Couldn't ride int he F-4s when I was there; they passed some new rule about having to have ejection seat training.

