More 6Y9 Info - and more reasons to come!


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
Display Name

Display name:
White Chocolate
Word spreads like wildfire (which is what I had in my backyard yesterday) in small communities. The local contact at the township who helped us get the the ball rolling on this was talking with my mom and dad this week while they were still up at the cabin. Evidently the newspaper out of L'Anse wants to interview us and do a story on the airport and the reopening. And channel 6 news out of Marquette was inquiring as to whether they can interview us as well and come out there with a camera crew to tape the festivities.

*Eric Cartman impersonation begin*
"I'm gonna be on television, I'm gonna be on television. Sweeeeeeet."

My dad was out putting stakes down to let the lumber company where to place the pilots room and someone was riding a motorcycle on the runway. (Sigh) and he stops over to see what my dad is doing. My dad asks if he could not ride on the runway because we are trying to make it safe in case anyone has to land there, and if others see him on there then they will ride on it as well, and it will be a big mess. The guy gets a little flippant and says,
"Well, doesn't the state or county own this?"
"Actually, I am the owner."
"Oh? Really? I've always thought it would be cool to take lessons and learn how to fly..."

From there, it sounds like we may have reeled some other poor sucker into the world of GA as my dad went into salesman mode and let him know he could build a hangar on the field, or taxi his place right to his property, as he owns a place adjacent to the field. So, it looks like things are going well, and we will probably have over 100 people that will walk/drive/ride in.

But I do have to say this

We need more planes there!!!!

I fly 500 miles for Gaston's which is NOT a reopening, I'm quite disappointed we aren't getting more response from here. Maybe people don't really care about an airport reopening. :dunno: So far, I've only got 7 planes who've said yes. Sad.
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smigaldi said:
Am I on that list? I will be attending

You are one of the 7.
Also have:

Richard (coming from CA - no reason anyone else except Kath can't make it)
1 plane from the Cherokee board.
UGH!!! One of these days I WILL win the freaking long distance award from some fly-in. I can't believe I'm getting beaten again.

I'd fly there if I had access to an airplane right now...I'll come with Nick otherwise I'll get there one way or another.
Dude- I'd be there if my plane was operating. How far from S27 :dunno:

EDIT: Hmmm, 10 hours 25 minutes enroute, 1040 miles. Are you serving brat's at least? Do I get a gift bag? ;)
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alaskaflyer said:
Dude- I'd be there if my plane was operating. How far from S27 :dunno:

EDIT: Hmmm, 10 hours 25 minutes enroute, 1040 miles. Are you serving brat's at least? Do I get a gift bag? ;)

LOL! You're actually closer than I am. 10 hours or so enroute, 1063.4nm.

How's that? Albuquerque is further than Alaska!

edit: umm...yeah, its further, not closer.
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N2212R said:
So far, I've only got 7 planes who've said yes. Sad.

Put me down as coming! The 5th is my 50th birthday, and I need to get out of town. :target: :D

Barb(Tripacer 8138D)
One Short said:
Put me down as coming! The 5th is my 50th birthday, and I need to get out of town. :target: :D

Barb(Tripacer 8138D)

This was the last public airport you had to land in Michigan to count them all right?

SkyHog said:
How's that? Albuquerque is further than Alaska!

If S27 was IN Alaska that might be true. However it is in Montana. LOL
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We are having a Grumman fly-in that weekend. Sorry, but I'll be with real airplanes.


P.S. I stand by all my quotes, even the ones from 11:20 PM. :D
Ed, as I mentioned previously my partner (Al - the one you met) has our plane booked for 6 days starting that Friday the 4th. I've asked him that if he should cancel for any reason to let me know as soon as he makes the decision.
Anthony said:

We are having a Grumman fly-in that weekend. Sorry, but I'll be with real airplanes.


P.S. I stand by all my quotes, even the ones from 11:20 PM. :D

Which military airbase are you flying into? Runway length being a consideration for Grummans and all.
N2212R said:
Which military airbase are you flying into? Runway length being a consideration for Grummans and all.

Maybe the Gruman group took NASA up on its offer?:D
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]NASA Seeks Customers for Space Shuttle Runway
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]By Mike Schneider
Associated Press Writer
[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]posted: 15 March 2006
11:01 a.m. ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) – For rent: 15,000-foot (4,500-meter) runway. Aircraft hangar included. Affordable. Historic. Scenic Florida location.
The space agency NASA is planning to make some money on the long air strip normally used by space shuttles.
As the shuttle program shuffles to its close in 2010, the pristine runway will be used less and less. No reason it should sit empty – especially with commercial space flight about to take off.
“We've invited companies to test drive the shuttle landing facility,'' said Jim Ball, the NASA official who is spearheading private business ventures. “The key No. 1 thing we wish to demonstrate is that the Kennedy Space Center is willing to support missions other than space.''
The space agency already has sought proposals, and under one deal being negotiated, landing fees would likely be only slightly higher than the US$300 (euro250) to US$700 (euro590) per flight charged at regular airports.
The space center hosted its first private venture last month – the takeoff of adventurer Steve Fossett in Virgin Atlantic's experimental plane, which set a flight distance record.
NASA charged around US$5,000 (euro4,000) for use of the runway, hangar, fuel, equipment and airfield services for that one-time deal. Future private flights will be scheduled around the remaining 17 shuttle missions.
The shuttle landing strip never got the full use it was built for in the 1970s. NASA had predicted then that the shuttles would fly anywhere from 12 to 50 times a year, but the most flights the space agency got in a single year was nine in 1985.
After the shuttle's retirement, the next-generation space vehicle will return to Earth by parachute.
In the past, NASA's nine other space centers have invited outsiders from academia or other government agencies to use their facilities. But none has offered anything as high-profile as the Kennedy landing strip, which millions have seen during televised shuttle landings.
N2212R said:
Which military airbase are you flying into? Runway length being a consideration for Grummans and all.

Yeah, but I'll actually get there sometime in my lifetime. ;)

Don't you get tired of the bug splats on the trailing edges of the wing? Aren't they harder to clean? :rofl:
I too am rather disappointed at the low turn out so far.

Ed, you may use me as an example to others, everyone else does. "See Johnny, that's why you should stay in school."

Cool avatar, I keep watching to see if they'll collide.

Nick, I'll leave from TCC if it makes you feel better.

I will email your flyer to every airport in Michigan and ask that they print & post it on their respective activity boards, which are loacted in every airport, if you wish. Just give me the "OK to go".

I have already posted it at 6D6(Greenville). I will also promote 6Y9's Grand Opening at our association meeting on the 27th.

Let me know.
I e-mailed all within 100nm which was a PITA on AOPA to do that. No bounces though!

If I had the e-mail address for every airport in MI I would do that myself. If you want to do that, go ahead Gary!!

N2212R said:
We need more planes there!!!!

I fly 500 miles for Gaston's which is NOT a reopening, I'm quite disappointed we aren't getting more response from here. Maybe people don't really care about an airport reopening. :dunno: So far, I've only got 7 planes who've said yes. Sad.

I'd seriously consider coming, sounds like it'd be another fun trip, but my lease contract requires a 2200' paved runway. :(

I sent email notification of 6Y9's Grand Reopening to all Michigan airports(public & private).

Hope that helps spread the word.

I'm 70% certain that I will be there. I'll keep you apprised.

Cool, thanks!

It was the version on my charter site currently right, and not the old version? Just dont want anyone expecting 2300' this year!!
Gary Miesch said:
I sent email notification of 6Y9's Grand Reopening to all Michigan airports(public & private).

Hope that helps spread the word.

I'm 70% certain that I will be there. I'll keep you apprised.

IOW, there's a 30PROB
Gary Miesch said:
The flyer says "10/28: 2000' x 100 Turf Fair Condition", right?

In the words of Simon Phoenix...

Ed I'm hoping to be there. Just change d jobs, but dont think it should be a problem.Hell they're letting me off to go to Osh. I'll let you know later.
Dave G.
Dad just got off the phone with the property owner to the east. We have an indefinite open ended lease on the 700'+/- prior to the approach end of 28. Looks like having a 3000' strip next year may not be out of the question. Maybe even Anthony could show up then...maybe. I'll see about getting a JATO setup so he can leave.
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N2212R said:
Dad just got off the phone with the property owner to the east. We have an indefinite open ended lease on the 700'+/- prior to the approach end of 28. Looks like having a 3000' strip next year may not be out of the question. Maybe even Anthony could show up then...maybe. I'll see about getting a JATO setup so he can leave.

3000 would make it a lot more feasible for me although I can do 2000 if I'm light. Unfortunately Aug 5 happens to be the same weekend as the regional waterski tournament I have to attend. There is some chance I might be able to make it on Saturday as I actually ski on Friday, but I'm likely to have others with me who ski Saturday also.
Well, the 3000' would NOT be this year. That land need to be cut, tilled, seeded, rolled.
N2212R said:
Which military airbase are you flying into? Runway length being a consideration for Grummans and all.

Send him to Marquette, it used to be KI Sawyer(SAC base for B52s) There was a 737 doing touch and goes there one day as I was passing through. I think a Grumman could make it in there:dunno:

Were it the weekend before (last weekend of OSH) it would be doable for me (~150nm from OSH), but I'd have a hard time convincing Mary I need to make the same trip twice in two weeks otherwise...:(
Wait a sec, I thought it was currently 3000 ft, and expanding to 3300. Are you saying it is not even 3000ft right now?
SkyHog said:
Wait a sec, I thought it was currently 3000 ft, and expanding to 3300. Are you saying it is not even 3000ft right now?

2,000 feet Nick.

It's all good.
If you email me the specifics of date/time etc plus any short "promotional type" of copy (pretend you're the mountain aire guy) I will be happy to post it on the 99s listserv, and send info the newsletter editors for Michigan and Chicago chapters. ehitchcock01 at ya***. * * *

I will be in CT that weekend, packing up the contents of my mother's house. Would much rather be at an airport of any type, size or config.

Elizabeth Hitchcock
Steve said:
Were it the weekend before (last weekend of OSH) it would be doable for me (~150nm from OSH), but I'd have a hard time convincing Mary I need to make the same trip twice in two weeks otherwise...:(

I had put this to a vote, and 1/2 the people said I was a heretic for overlapping OSH even 1 minute, and 1/2 said they would make it no matter when, so it got it's own weekend. There's really no good weekend to pick. It's either too close to Gaston's, and we all know there's no way in hell anyone would ever ditch Gaston's for this, or it's too close to OSH, and people voted that they would not show if it was an OSH weekend, so I'm stuck.
N2212R said:
I had put this to a vote, and 1/2 the people said I was a heretic for overlapping OSH even 1 minute, and 1/2 said they would make it no matter when, so it got it's own weekend. There's really no good weekend to pick. It's either too close to Gaston's, and we all know there's no way in hell anyone would ever ditch Gaston's for this, or it's too close to OSH, and people voted that they would not show if it was an OSH weekend, so I'm stuck.

You did the best you could with the date. There is no way to a pick a date that would be able to accomendate everyone.
I've located a spare for you, ready to ship. I think it will do the job. Just need a FedEx account # and an address. (and probably a drop tank)

Also attached is a description of the fuel pump prime mover alone.

N2212R said:
Dad just got off the phone with the property owner to the east. We have an indefinite open ended lease on the 700'+/- prior to the approach end of 28. Looks like having a 3000' strip next year may not be out of the question. Maybe even Anthony could show up then...maybe. I'll see about getting a JATO setup so he can leave.


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SkyHog said:
Wait a sec, I thought it was currently 3000 ft, and expanding to 3300. Are you saying it is not even 3000ft right now?

Nick... It's 2,000 feet at a density altitude somewhat less than that. You'll be fine. :yes:

Check your performance charts, and if you're still worried, try one of the other numerous public grass strips (larger) nearby (MN/WI) on your way.