Moab Base Jumping Accident (GRAPHIC)

Tourniquet was a good call, that tib/fib fx was no joke. Nowadays, a tourniquet doesn't mean automatic loss of limb, although a nasty fracture like that sure could. Thankfully it sounds like the surgeon had something to work with and there's a chance he'll get to keep the foot.
Is base jumping any more dangerous than low level aerobatics? I seriously doubt it.
Probably a little more risky than riding a bike on the road (4 serious vehicle/bike accidents in less than 3 weeks). Life is risk. No one gets out alive. How you live is more important than the fact you did.
Is base jumping any more dangerous than low level aerobatics? I seriously doubt it.

All my friends who did BASE have been hurt, one almost lost a body part, tib/fibs seem to not be too uncommon.

It's just a matter of pushing your limits, lower pulls. If you go to to the bridge and have someone hold your pilot, it ain't too dangerous, now start jumping low bridges or major city buildings, that's where stuff gets dicey.

Could be worse, could die old and decreped in a nursing home in their own filth with a bunch of "should have done that" or "coulda done this" thoughts :dunno:
I've done 300 BASE jumps without injury. All over the world. Impossible to compare these things, of course the aerobatic guys pay a higher price then many realize. Weekend punters in GA planes ain't as safe as they want to believe. Same stuff, we tell ourselves the same lies, actually on that one BASE jumpers are more honest then most.
Oh and that jump in the OP is pretty minor in the big scheme. Subtitled in English/Graphic
Although I never got into it big time, I miss BASE jumping. I decided to give it up about the time that I decided I wanted to fly professionally. Since most BASE jumps are illegal, I didn't want to find myself sitting in an interview having to explain why I got arrested for trying to jump off a (insert object here).

Now I've been out of the sport (skydiving in general) so long that I'd just be a danger to myself.
Surprised no one stated "that'll buff right out"

I've seen individuals with similar injuries and have been surprised at the lack of reaction. Does not last long though.