Michigan CFII recommendations

Sam D

Pattern Altitude
PoA Supporter
Feb 27, 2006
Petaluma, CA
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Display name:
Sam D
Hi all -- I'm flying my family to Michigan in a week for a two week vacation (one week in South Haven and one week in Traverse City). I was trying to finish up my instrument rating before I left but it is not going to happen. Since I've got these two weeks somewhat "free", I've been thinking that I might try to knock it out while I am in Michigan. I am 1-2 flights from being done (all reqs done, just getting within PTS standards)
Yes, I realize a new CFII would have to evaluate me on their own. This may or may not work out. But hey, in the meantime, I'd get to fly some more. Not much of a downside. So...any recommendations?


P.S. I already checked EdFred out. Looks like he's missing an 'I'... :)
Correct, I am missing an "I". I haven't felt motivated to get around to doing it.
Correct, I am missing an "I". I haven't felt motivated to get around to doing it.
It's a pretty simple thing to pick up. Take the CFII written, study for a day, and go take the checkride. I flew 1.5 hours in preparation.
Yeah, I know. I'm just lazy. I already took the CFII written. Same as the Instrument Written. Of course that was 7 years ago. We should just be able to carry over the test scores.
Yeah, I know. I'm just lazy. I already took the CFII written. Same as the Instrument Written. Of course that was 7 years ago. We should just be able to carry over the test scores.

Perfect -- you've got a few days to knock it out. Heck, a few hours flying with me and it should be completely subsidized!

Heck, if I didn't have my family in the plane, I might have just stopped in Lincoln on the way and looked up Jesse...

Barring that, any other suggestions? Have you heard anything about Fly Kalamazoo? Anything in the Traverse City area? I tried Tom Brady -- he's booked.

Too bad I didn't hear about this a week ago -- if you have a plane, PIC could have had an instructor up there to meet you and finish you up. Still possible if you have a few days left.

1-800-IFLY-IFR or www.iflyifr.com for details.
Too bad I didn't hear about this a week ago -- PIC could have had an instructor up there to meet you and finish you up. Still possible if you have a few days left...

I'll try and get this message to Sam. Turns out we both trained at the same flight school.
OK good, I was able to reach him so that he knows about your post. Glad they all made it safe to MI from CA that is a lot of flying.
If you have further contact with Sam, if he wants, tell him I can be there tomorrow night to start training on Friday. ;)
This thread just screams for a:

"Surely you can't be serious!"

"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."
Thanks for your generous offers. Since it is the family vacation, it would just be a few hours here and there -- so wouldn't be fair to someone traveling in.

We did make it here safely from CA. All I can say is that XM weather is the greatest invention. There was a lot of unsettled weather around Rapid City SD where we stayed Monday night. And no way we'd be flying today in SW MI today.
You can try Dodgen Aircraft @ 35D, Allegan, MI. 35D is only ~20nm from KLWA. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find an instructor there to get a few hours with.