Meteor hits Russia, hundreds hurt


Taxi to Parking
Feb 6, 2007
Land of Savages
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The latest story out of Russia is the penetration and explosion of an 11 ton meteor that streak over the Ural mountains and caused a shockwave in the Chelyabinsk region and injured more than 500, most by broken glass from windows shattered by the explosion of the extraterrestrial visitor.
That could have hurt.

Looks like a smaller version of the Tsunguska event.
Global warming.
Laying in bed at 11:30pm EST last night, I saw one of the brightest 'shooting stars' I've ever seen streak across the sky. Any chance the increase 'meteor' activity is a prelude to the asteroid heading our direction?
Laying in bed at 11:30pm EST last night, I saw one of the brightest 'shooting stars' I've ever seen streak across the sky. Any chance the increase 'meteor' activity is a prelude to the asteroid heading our direction?

Bill Nye was on CNN this morning and indicated they are unrelated.
Coincidence that there's a noticeable strike at the same time as a big near miss.

Shows what these things can do, though. And the Russian rock was only 11 tons, pretty small for an asteroid.
I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened if Americans wouldn't drive SUV's, drink 20 ounce sodas, worship at the altar of algore and just-say-no to styrofoam cups and pain relievers.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at an economic forum in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said the meteor could be a symbol for the forum, showing that "not only the economy is vulnerable, but the whole planet."

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

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Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at an economic forum in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said the meteor could be a symbol for the forum, showing that "not only the economy is vulnerable, but the whole planet."

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

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What a moron. It it was us, it would have hit North Korea.
"Paging Harry Stamper... Harry S. Stamper.... Please report to the the launch pad... "
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

Laying in bed at 11:30pm EST last night, I saw one of the brightest 'shooting stars' I've ever seen streak across the sky. Any chance the increase 'meteor' activity is a prelude to the asteroid heading our direction?

Gives new meaning to "Glass Ceiling". :rofl:

I was taking my BFR and was not issued any Notams at all. :D

It was a good thing it didn't have to pass through our airspace. Otherwise TSA would have blamed it on Bush.

Laying in bed at 11:30pm EST last night, I saw one of the brightest 'shooting stars' I've ever seen streak across the sky. Any chance the increase 'meteor' activity is a prelude to the asteroid heading our direction?

We needn't worry about that any more. Chuck Schumer has just introduced legislation that would forbid asteroids from passing within 25,000 miles of the earth.

Gives new meaning to "Glass Ceiling". :rofl:

I was taking my BFR and was not issued any Notams at all. :D

It was a good thing it didn't have to pass through our airspace. Otherwise TSA would have blamed it on Bush.


I was out flying late at night in the middle-of-nowhere Iowa and a meteor went overhead. With the RV's glass canopy, the whole cockpit turned bright green. It freaked me out. At first I thought someone was shooting fireworks at me, but I was up around 5-6k, so that got ruled out.
Oh that's good. I'm still worried though. Can we get Justin Beiber's input on this? Or maybe Morgan Freeman to explain it to us.

You do know that Bill Nye really is a trained scientist, and currently head of the Planetary Society, right?

Just because you saw him on TV 20 years ago doesn't mean he's in the same class as Justin Bieber.
It does sort of get your attention though.

I feel sorry for the people affected and hope no life was lost.

Wouldn't it really suck if the Mayan's were off by a few weeks. :D

Anyway, we have one passing close this afternoon. Wonder if it will be visible to the naked eye?

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at an economic forum in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said the meteor could be a symbol for the forum, showing that "not only the economy is vulnerable, but the whole planet."

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

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Boy, I am glad I left that country 20+ years ago!
Although I must say, during my last few visits over last 3 years (business), after an 18 year break..... the place did change a lot, in a good way. You can actually feel there is finally democracy in that place and human rights are beginning to be "defined"; perhaps another 50 years and there will be no idiots such as Zhirinovsky. New generation that I've met is nothing like the past Soviet Union breeds. There is hope for that place, but need time. :rolleyes:
You do know that Bill Nye really is a trained scientist, and currently head of the Planetary Society, right?

Just because you saw him on TV 20 years ago doesn't mean he's in the same class as Justin Bieber.

Last time I saw Bill Nye on TV he suggested that Katrina was a result of global warming.

I do trust that he was correctly reporting that the scientific community thinks the two are unrelated. Mostly just looking to make a joke.
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It does sort of get your attention though.

I feel sorry for the people affected and hope no life was lost.

Wouldn't it really suck if the Mayan's were off by a few weeks. :D

Anyway, we have one passing close this afternoon. Wonder if it will be visible to the naked eye?


Wrong tense. Not "would be," but "is." It's been inside the moon's orbit since yesterday. No, it's not a naked eye object; it's just not that big. It's comparable in extent to the ISS (which is a naked eye object when it passes close overhead), but it's around 100 times further, which means 10,000 times fainter.
Last time I saw Bill Nye on TV he suggested that Katrina was a result of global warming.

Katrina type storms have are predicted by climate change models.

I do trust that he was correctly reporting that the scientific community thinks the two are unrelated. Mostly just looking to make a joke.

Laying in bed at 11:30pm EST last night, I saw one of the brightest 'shooting stars' I've ever seen streak across the sky. Any chance the increase 'meteor' activity is a prelude to the asteroid heading our direction?

You sure Rachel wasn't swinging a flashlight at your head and missed?:D
Katrina type storms have are predicted by climate change models.


Just normal weather variation 'predicts' them too -

there were hurricanes every bit as powerful before we invented the internal combustion engine too . . .

As for the event - if you look at the trajectory of the Chelyabinsk event and that of the asteroid coming in later today they are totally different trajectories - they are completely unrelated. . .

I truly shudder to think what would have happened if this had occurred say, during a missile test or one of those screwy alerts that used to happen from birds and other 'Wargames' type false attack alarms during the Cold War - we would not be here to talk about it or observe it - this was a N-S event - it would have looked like an over the pole missile strike -
Just normal weather variation 'predicts' them too -

Didn't say otherwise.. But I wasn't the one insinuating Bill Nye was wrong for making such a connection.

there were hurricanes every bit as powerful before we invented the internal combustion engine too . . .

And ?

As for the event - if you look at the trajectory of the Chelyabinsk event and that of the asteroid coming in later today they are totally different trajectories - they are completely unrelated. . .


I truly shudder to think what would have happened if this had occurred say, during a missile test or one of those screwy alerts that used to happen from birds and other 'Wargames' type false attack alarms during the Cold War - we would not be here to talk about it or observe it - this was a N-S event - it would have looked like an over the pole missile strike -

I'd imagine people got pretty tense about this one.. It was detected as an energetic event larger than the nuke NK just tested so I imagine some hairs were raised across our detection networks.
I truly shudder to think what would have happened if this had occurred say, during a missile test or one of those screwy alerts that used to happen from birds and other 'Wargames' type false attack alarms during the Cold War - we would not be here to talk about it or observe it - this was a N-S event - it would have looked like an over the pole missile strike -

The event that brought us the closest to nuclear war was a set of NORAD exercises that the Soviets mistook for the real thing. They were very ready to set off the missiles, but the exercises ended.
I'm waiting for a story out of Russia with Putin flying a mig 29 shooting down meteors.
Hey now, there's photos of him swimming with dolphins, feeding a baby moose, and kissing a horse, so he does have a softer side.
Surprised we haven't seen any photoshops yet.

Have you seen his pictures? Everything from F1 racing to playing with tigers, flying jets, driving tanks..


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The CTBTO operates 60 infrasound listening stations (among other systems) around the world for the purposes of detecting nuclear test explosions. They captured the infrasound generated by the meteor that broke up over Russia - the waves were the largest their monitoring system ever recorded. They compressed the frequency to make it audible to human frequency range and generated the audio on this video: