Message from a proud Grandpa


Mar 11, 2005
Pittsburg, Kansas
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Jim B.
Although I have been flying for over 40 years, instructing over 35 years and a DE for 29 years I had the biggest thrill in my flying years when I gave my 18 year old grandson his check ride. I started Rudy in August 04, and instructed him until it was time to turn him over to my friend Tom (Diana's Husband) to shape him up, finish him up, and sign him back to me for a check ride as the law allows. Tom had him well prepared and I gave him, probably one of the toughest, longest checkrides I have ever given.
Rudy is a very sharp young man and can and will go far in aviation if he chooses that after college. Bet you cannot tell my buttons are popping off.

I now have his identcial twin brother ready to solo and hope to have him ready for Tom so he can get his license before June 26 while he is still 18.

Sorry but could now help from bragging about my grandsons.
There will be flying Belew's for a lot of years I hope.

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Way to go, Jim! Now THAT'S "COOL STUFF"!!! I know from my relationship with my grandpa, when he was alive, that this is the stuff from which lifelong memories are made - for both participants!
Congratulations. Must be a real thrill to do that for your grandsons.

Thanks for adding more pilots to the population.
jbelew said:
Rudy is a very sharp young man and can and will go far in avaition if he chooses that after college.

Yes, he is Jim and you can certainly be proud of him. And I enjoyed flying with him, too :)

jbelew said:
there will be flying Belew's for a lot of years I hope.

And that's a good thing. :)

Welcome to the PoA forum Jim. You will be a great addition here with your wealth of knowledge and experience.
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Thank you for your heart-warming post. You brought a big smile to my face.
jbelew said:
Sorry but could now help from braging about my grandsons.



That's what grandparents are supposed to do even when there's no reason. When one does give you reason you're allowed to go all out! You have every right to be proud. Thanks for the post.

What a great post - thanks for sharing.

Aviation families are a large part of what keeps GA strong.
I am proud to have such a great instructor and pilot to learn from.

Nice post Grandpa,