Memorial day

*flips through POH to find information on recovering from flat spin*

How about this:

Remember the fallen, whatever the cause or reason.

Take time to enjoy the life you still have that they gave up.

Raise a little hell and dare something new, Because they didn't sacrifice their lives so we would be docile and obedient all the time.



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That attack was to eliminate our ability to stop them from getting the oil they needed to be a modern industrial nation.

It had nothing to do with taking our freedoms away.

Whatever the reason, they were attempted invasions.

PS. I'm grateful for the service of my father, brother, son, and ex-husband in time of war.
We need some 'Murica in this thread.



And for the thread trolls.:D

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I suppose, if you don't count the Japanese attack on Hawaii in 1942 1941 or the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001.

Edit: Sorry, finger slipped.


AP.. I know we argue and I am always right..;)..

But... I did you notice had a birthday a couple of days ago.....

Happy B day ma'am...:cheers::cheers:
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AP.. I know we argue and I am always right..;)..

But... I did you had a birthday a couple of days ago.....

Happy B day ma'am...:cheers::cheers:

Thanks. Had a quiet day. The highlight was having a fabulous rib dinner at a new place --Max's Barbecue-- a totally redneck local place that you have to know about to find. :goofy:
Each person celebrates Memorial Day in their own way,there is nothing wrong with cook outs and going to the beach,all that's asked is that some time is spent remembering those that gave all.
Its hard for some to see all that they've seen and not become a bit skeptical about all this pre-programmed "thank you for your service" stuff a couple of times a year.

That being said, Happy Memorial Day. And to the anti-bbq'ers out there, I'll repeat what an old Master Chief I used to know would say, "**** -em and feed 'em hotdogs!"
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I put this together today and now I'm going to drink a beer under it.
I'm very grateful to those that have died for my right to do so.




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Your freedoms will be attacked and lost from with, in as in the patriot act, and there will be not war to stop it.

I agree with the first half of your statement. I'd like to know which specific clause of US-PATRIOT you feel is a freedom loss.

(I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about what's actually written into that particular law and most folks don't realize that many of the egregious things government is doing isn't even related to it. Example: Most of Rand Paul's mini-filibuster whined about NSA surveillance and he loosely makes it seem as if PATRIOT caused or authorized that. It doesn't. No where in it was the NSA surveillance authorized. They simply did it. And they've been told it's now illegal but they won't stop. So I hate to point it out but the root cause is not the Bills that get passed. It's simply out of control people with no morals running things who have a large enough blank check to fund whatever the hell they want. That data center in Utah wasn't cheap. Nor was what it planned to do, legal. And yet, people still built it and looked the other way as long as the contracts kept flowing... Lots of culpability there and all you need do is follow the money and the line of people out the door who'll swear they were "just doing their jobs".)

Sorry that's too political outside of SZ but the question needed some background.

So anyway. What specific part of PATRIOT is a problem? Have you even read it? (I have. And I know one. But I'm interested in what portion of it bothers you, since you're against it.)
I agree with the first half of your statement. I'd like to know which specific clause of US-PATRIOT you feel is a freedom loss.

(I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about what's actually written into that particular law and most folks don't realize that many of the egregious things government is doing isn't even related to it. Example: Most of Rand Paul's mini-filibuster whined about NSA surveillance and he loosely makes it seem as if PATRIOT caused or authorized that. It doesn't. No where in it was the NSA surveillance authorized. They simply did it. And they've been told it's now illegal but they won't stop. So I hate to point it out but the root cause is not the Bills that get passed. It's simply out of control people with no morals running things who have a large enough blank check to fund whatever the hell they want. That data center in Utah wasn't cheap. Nor was what it planned to do, legal. And yet, people still built it and looked the other way as long as the contracts kept flowing... Lots of culpability there and all you need do is follow the money and the line of people out the door who'll swear they were "just doing their jobs".)

Sorry that's too political outside of SZ but the question needed some background.

So anyway. What specific part of PATRIOT is a problem? Have you even read it? (I have. And I know one. But I'm interested in what portion of it bothers you, since you're against it.)

Generally it is a poorly written law that it is missed interpreted use in a manor for which it was not intended.

An example

The Patriot Act can override probable cause. The FBI only needs to tell a judge that the search protects the country against terrorism. Needless to say, this is a broad and vague definition.

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And a out of control spin off of the Patriot act is the highly illegal but widely used Fusion Centers all around the country....

Even the local LEO's use it to satisfy their needs and claim surveillence is required because Joe Blow down the street has a bumper sticker on his truck for the other sheriff running for office... That let's them read your emails, listen to phone calls, ping your cell to keep track of your location, etc etc.... All in the name of National Security since the Feds gave them millions to set up those centers and monitor " suspicious people"...
I put this together today and now I'm going to drink a beer under it.
I'm very grateful to those that have died for my right to do so.


I have a feeling Mrs. 6PC had a hand in that. I see some effeminate touches.
America is great because of the ideals of freedom of expression and assembly that we embrace. It isn't great because we have a a big military with lots of guns. There's a world of difference between patriotism and jingoism.

Lots of nations have had big militaries. Only the US has had the bill of rights. And Tom is correct, we are far more likely to loose our freedom from our own complacency than foreign invasion. 911 proved that far more eloquently than I ever could.
God, I miss that man.

You miss Ronnie? You miss his having served his country by remaining in Hollywood during the big war? You miss his big spending ways including eleven tax hikes, you miss Iran contra and the lies? ( which incidentally really pizzed Iran off, not to mention we armed Iraq against them.) then you must also like trickle down economics which has never worked and never will. Ronnie was a B movie actor, and that was pretty much it. Personally, I miss harry Truman who gave GIs the GI bill which changed the middle class. ( he actually saw combat in WW one, on the front lines. He also had bad eyes like Ronnie but insisted on serving in combat. )
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You miss Ronnie? You miss his having served his country by remaining in Hollywood during the big war? You miss his big spending ways including eleven tax hikes, you miss Iran contra and the lies? ( which incidentally really pizzed Iran off, not to mention we armed Iraq against them.) then you must also like trickle down economics which has never worked and never will. Ronnie was a B movie actor, and that was pretty much it. Personally, I miss harry Truman who gave GIs the GI bill which changed the middle class. ( he actually saw combat in WW one, on the front lines. He also had bad eyes like Ronnie but insisted on serving in combat. )

What's it like going through life filled with such vile hated?

And once again you continue to lie about his "eleven tax hikes." You really should pick up a book once in a while.

Better yet, try this:
No they weren't. They really, really weren't. :no: Calling them invasions is pretty bizarre.

Indeed! Just how were they planning to " invade" us after the 9-11 attacks?! Did they have a secret airforce? Navy.? Instead we invaded Iraq. A real dumb move.
What's it like going through life filled with such vile hated?

And once again you continue to lie about his "eleven tax hikes." You really should pick up a book once in a while.

Better yet, try this:
You'd better read a lot! It's obvious you have no idea of what your talking about, his early years, as governor or as president. I'm a real pro when it comes to Ronnie, read all about him thru 6 different books including " the role of a lifetime" which critics judge the best. Ronnie not only a big spender as gov. But also as pres. Get a grip! If it hadn't been for gorby, Ronnie would have been one big disaster.
You miss Ronnie? You miss his having served his country by remaining in Hollywood during the big war? You miss his big spending ways including eleven tax hikes, you miss Iran contra and the lies? ( which incidentally really pizzed Iran off, not to mention we armed Iraq against them.) then you must also like trickle down economics which has never worked and never will. Ronnie was a B movie actor, and that was pretty much it. Personally, I miss harry Truman who gave GIs the GI bill which changed the middle class. ( he actually saw combat in WW one, on the front lines. He also had bad eyes like Ronnie but insisted on serving in combat. )

Get help... Do it before it's too late.
Generally it is a poorly written law that it is missed interpreted use in a manor for which it was not intended.

An example

The Patriot Act can override probable cause. The FBI only needs to tell a judge that the search protects the country against terrorism. Needless to say, this is a broad and vague definition.

copied from

And a out of control spin off of the Patriot act is the highly illegal but widely used Fusion Centers all around the country....

Even the local LEO's use it to satisfy their needs and claim surveillence is required because Joe Blow down the street has a bumper sticker on his truck for the other sheriff running for office... That let's them read your emails, listen to phone calls, ping your cell to keep track of your location, etc etc.... All in the name of National Security since the Feds gave them millions to set up those centers and monitor " suspicious people"...

Both of those are lawlessness on the part of government and not caused by PATRIOT.

(Well one is a worry that lawlessness by government will ensue, and the other is an example that I haven't seen actually happen anywhere.)

Point being, PATRIOT isn't the cause of rampant illegal activity by government. It's often used as an example of the dumb crap they write to cover their lawlessness but it doesn't even cover a tiny percentage of the things they're doing.

If they never wrote PATRIOT and we're still doing these things, do you really feel our current Band of Sheep would care? And if they did, what objective action would they take to stop it?

Whining about PATRIOT accomplishes nothing. The data centers and wire taps are already built. Lots of people who have nice low six figure salaries and nice bennies to maintain it all. None of them are going to give that up without a fight. They do a little compartmentalized job and think they're not part of the problem.

Maybe they're saving the world. Maybe not. But they all like the pay checks and contracts and some sign on the dotted line and say they're cool with a biennial polygraph.

PATRIOT didn't start any of it. Nor will non-renewal of it, stop any of it.
The patriot act, though I fail to see a single patriotic thing abou ti, like the nada, and the war on drugs, is an excuse for factions in the government to further the case of fascism.

The real money's in taking the assets of those who worked hard and earned them, which is exactly what the current administration is engaged in 24/7.
Taking from those who know how, and did the work and giving to those who vote for a living to keep them voting themselves into deeper fascism all the time.
The patriot act, though I fail to see a single patriotic thing abou ti, like the nada, and the war on drugs, is an excuse for factions in the government to further the case of fascism.

Not really. I've already pointed out that they don't need US-PATRIOT and will do whatever they want anyway. That they wrote some vague words on paper is meaningless when you look at just the dollar value of the visible assets, let alone the dollars needed to keep people's mouths shut. Which is surprisingly little these days, actually.

A little ideology, a paycheck slightly larger than it takes to pay for the mortgage and a couple of newish cars, and a little left over, and the majority with clearances will never tell anyone what they do. We already know what they were paying Snowden, for one objective number.

It's also not too hard to figure out what we pay the foreign nationals in friendly countries who are just part of the supply chain and not even running the gear. It's about double what we'd call a "good salary" and lots of perks. Way better perks than virtually anyone stateside gets in any job below executive levels.

But in the Grand Scheme of Things, pretty cheap.