Marriage Counseling/Therapy

I interact every day with a psychologist, have several as friends, and even took intro courses at college decades ago. It works because people are the same; the ones that aren't have serious issues that cannot be helped. A decent therapist can really help. Related to the original topic, the counsellor we went to decades back did point out that the problem was largely with one of us. Luckily, it wasn't me, but we split, all for the better.
Someone acting like a tech support 'bot isn't likely to help, and I know those exist, though I don't know any personally.

While there are no 95 percentile models, there is a lot of similarity in our species. There is also an incredible diversity in the environments and conditions we develop in planet wide. I believe the majority of the practitioners, if they re any help at all are probably only effective in very narrow social circumstances. Nice that you like your friends though.