Mardi Gras 2013

N'Awlins is one of those cities that you have to appreciate and understand to love. Can it be dangerous, sure. Use a little common sense and you will probably be safe. Can it be dirty, yes. I have lived in New York City, Dayton, Filthydelphia, Tampa, and Fort Lauderdale as well as New Orleans, and except for New York City, N'Awlins offers much more to do and there is something for everyone. I have found most of the people who hate it either have had a bad experience(my wife for example lived there for years and hates it), or have heard something bad about it, or have not truly experienced it. As far as I am concerned it is one of the best cities and underappreciated cities in the world.
Vomit, beads and bare breasts.

You forgot loud religious evangelists carrying a giant cross down the street. ;)

New Orleans is a trip. Worth seeing the spectacle at least once. Kinda like the Circus. After that first time, the cost of admission should be free, since nothing changes and it's not worth it anymore. ;)
P.S. Louisiana also has one of those eye opening firearms laws that always makes me chuckle...

No person may carry a weapon into a Courthouse, except a Judge. And only in his or her own Courtroom.

Says something... LOL...
99.5% sure my plane will be ready. I'm "in" officially. My passenger manifest is still a little sketchy, for sure one of my CFI friends, perhaps JethikingGypsy, the girl I took flying a couple weeks ago, and another one of my CFI friends.

Damn I wish I had 2 airplanes still. Decisions decisions.
Trust me, I've flown low level (1000 ft) over the entirety of the city. I'm in town now. NoLa is a place I'd be happy to never come back to. I've stayed in the neighborhood around Lakefront, and I wouldn't venture out at night. There's a reason we stay in Slidell and drive down there to fly now.

But, by the same token, I can see why a drunkard would appreciate this city.

So by flying over it at 1000', you know it better than someone who lives here???

It's not the locals who make it crappy for MG...

You can have Slidell, me and my drunkard friends will keep Nola.
So by flying over it at 1000', you know it better than someone who lives here???

It's not the locals who make it crappy for MG...

You can have Slidell, me and my drunkard friends will keep Nola.
It seems to me when I lived in N'Awlins, the people from Slidell came to the city to have a good time. Do not remember ever wanting to go to Slidell for anything.
Slidell,I went to get a Harley Davidson shirt, don't remember much else over there. Rode the Ferry.
You will be fine in N.O. stay with the crowds and use good common sense. It's mostly good people having a good time just like you are. Don't get to close to the floats or reach down under a float for beads. Every year someone gets run over by a float. Do the parades during the day and party and enjoy the sights at night. Have fun :devil:
We will be there during the day with my wife and kids.
Trust me, I've flown low level (1000 ft) over the entirety of the city. I'm in town now. NoLa is a place I'd be happy to never come back to. I've stayed in the neighborhood around Lakefront, and I wouldn't venture out at night. There's a reason we stay in Slidell and drive down there to fly now.

And how is the airport security around Lakefront/ KNEW?? The 'hood doesn't seem so good around it. Would it be worth getting a hangar for the airplane??Hawthorne or Landmark look like the best bets for fuel.

Hey!! Maybe we should try for a PoA meet-up the week of MG! Seems like there are a few locals around that would know where all the good food I keep hearing about would be! :D
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Lynn how long are you gonna be there?
Probably most of the week of MG... I can't get there until Sunday and had to make a terrible trade at work to get that. UGH. Hope we can meet up with some of the locals while we are there! :)

I need to be home by the night of Saturday the 16th... Not smelling like alcohol or visibly hung over. :rolleyes2:
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Probably most of the week of MG... I can't get there until Sunday and had to make a terrible trade at work to get that. UGH. Hope we can meet up with some of the locals while we are there! :)

I need to be home by the night of Saturday the 16th... Not smelling like alcohol or visibly hung over. :rolleyes2:

Yeah I think IF we go we will only be there the 8th-10th
Awww... You'll miss the actual day then! Well, maybe you'll end up having so much fun you'll stay longer. :)
I'm in Texas right now heading east, so I might end up there too! PM meet if you want to try and meet up! I was in NOLA last year for New Years and yes, it was a bit of a cluster (they had the college bowl going on too) but it was a blast!! Party in the day, delicious cajun food, awesome jazz music everywhere. I love's probably my favorite city :)
I don't think you need a hanger. Lake Front is secure. Unless they use 100LL to make meth there is nothing for a thug to use.