Manitoba Farmer smarter than Air Force


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
This is 75% great entertainment and....45% embarrassment!
I've only survived 20 minutes but it is hilARious!

That video began life as a documentary. By the time the crew was done with the project, they realized it was more of a three stooges show than a documentary.

Bob Demerit also restored several warbirds. The delivered aircraft were generally considered fine examples of halfassery.
Somehow the guy restored a Hurricane, flew it overseas and in The Battle of Britain (movie)!
But all through this film I was certain he was going to be revealed as the real Red Green. Especially when his toothy sidekick wore his cap shooting upwards. Loved the pickup-balls-to-the-wall down a country road aerodynamic-testing; ropes, duct tape, bathroom scale for precise measurements.
I remember that Zero flying at Oshkosh. Interesting that he thought he could do that restoration in a year.
Wow. Interesting dude. Strange documentary. Kind of felt like a wierd, Canadian, redneck, Burt Rutan without the skills.
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what in the ever loving hell did I just watch? :eek:

Which is just another way of illustrating the power of The internetz: Proving the infinite monkey theorem wrong since Al Gore invented it...:D
I’ve been forwarding this to all sorts of people that aren’t PoAers saying they have to set aside 45 minutes for pure “WTF?!” entertainment.

If @flyingcheesehead hasn’t seen this he needs to. His head will explode. LOL LOL LOL.
Anyone else first think this documentary was filmed in the 70s, only to find out it was released in 1988? More proof that Canada (particularly rural Canada) is at least a decade behind the rest of the world.
Rural Canada IS at least a decade behind the US, probably more like 2-3. Look around, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. And you kids get off my lawn!

His thinking was right on - I've heard other people say similar things about current military hardware. Planes, subs or ships, we could build 10 times more (or spend 10 times less) by not putting all the whiz bang gadgets into them. There is something to say for force en mass.

But it does have to fly first.
Wow. Inreresting dude. Strange documentary. Kind of felt like a wierd, Canadian, redneck, Burt Rutan without the skills.

Agreed. It was interesting how the documentarian continued with serious, straight-faced respect to the absurd subject all of the way through the end of the film. The narrarator was like a Canadian Peter Thomas.

It’s almost as if they started the project thinking this was a serious effort and figured out half way through the guy was a kook...and just decided to go for it and see what they ended up with. When the dude said he needed to completely redesign the thing, the film maker probably decided that was a good jumping off point.
Anyone else first think this documentary was filmed in the 70s, only to find out it was released in 1988? More proof that Canada (particularly rural Canada) is at least a decade behind the rest of the world.

I was surprised to see it was 1988. Looking at the cars I was guessing late 70s until I saw one 1982 Camaro.