Looking for Airport Managers


Line Up and Wait
May 24, 2013
Peachtree City GA (KFFC)
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Any airport managers on here? I'm doing some research on airport operations, specifically Real Estate within the fence. Feel free to PM me. Thanks!
Um, should be pretty easy to get ahold of them. Get an airport directory and start making phone calls!
If you call our airport number, I'll answer so you can PM me here. Of course, we're a private-use residential airport, so things are a little different about inside our non-existent fence.
count me as curious about what your research is. I was having a conversation with the manager of KSGJ a few years back about the lack of hangars and tiedown space. She claimed no room.... I call BS on that. I have eyes and I can see lots of places.....
count me as curious about what your research is. I was having a conversation with the manager of KSGJ a few years back about the lack of hangars and tiedown space. She claimed no room.... I call BS on that. I have eyes and I can see lots of places.....

Looking at the aerial image through my "manager glasses", that airport looks pretty land locked. The only real open space is north of the runways, but that looks like wetlands and/or floodplain. Not sure where airport property ends.

My airport has a lot of open land. The barrier is the cost to install utilities, roads, and taxiways. It can cost millions to open up more space for development.
In addition to utility, road, and taxiway access, there are also often plans for hangar "lots" that require some uniformity. Our airport has space planned for a couple different sizes of new hangars. If we allowed a wrong-size hangar as the first in a new row, then we would have to require the rest of the hangars in that row to match it in order to avoid an ugly hodgepodge of random hangars. The airport also has to plan for storm water retention/detention/runoff. It may have wetlands mitigation issues that restrict building. Etc. ad nauseam.

But the airport should have some kind of a record of what the hangar space plans are. It might be a napkin drawing or it might be a professionally surveyed long-term plan, but whatever they have is what they should be showing you to explain why they claim not to have space for new hangars.
will there be a fly-in at KFLK in the near future? :)