Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

I disagree. I know quite a few, and I was one for several years.

Yeah, they seem pretty common around here. I just did my BFR with one a few weeks ago, there’s another on my hangar row, I knew several at work before I retired, I know an airline pilot who instructs part-time, there are some who post on the FBO bulletin board, etc.
Hi there, I'm new to this forum
Has anyone heard of a full ride scholarship program for high schoolers? One that not only provides PPL but funding for the 4 year degree to become a pilot for a major airline?
If female, I’d look here. https://www.ninety-nines.org/scholarship-summary.htm

Yeah flight training cost $$, a major hurdle for most.

I signed into the military Reserves at 17, not for everyone, no you don’t have to be a Rambo. All the services are hurting for recruitment now. A little discipline & some coin for training helps most. With Reserves or Guard one never misses a beat with training or college after High School.

Like I told the one guy not long ago, flight training then a career takes initiative. Most have done that, got back up after a stumble, kept moving forward.
If female, I’d look here. https://www.ninety-nines.org/scholarship-summary.htm

Yeah flight training cost $$, a major hurdle for most.

I signed into the military Reserves at 17, not for everyone, no you don’t have to be a Rambo. All the services are hurting for recruitment now. A little discipline & some coin for training helps most. With Reserves or Guard one never misses a beat with training or college after High School. Like I told the one guy not long ago, flight training then a career takes initiative. Most have done that, got back up after a stumble, kept moving forward.

That's a great option, but not everyone is suited for the military. I guess I should give a little background...I am NOT soliciting here, I'm looking for feedback. I'm 57 and just getting my PPL. All of my instructors are young (mid 20's), with one being 19. With the exception of the 19 YO, all of them are strapped down with high interest conventional loans, so they're working as a CFI to pay off the loans and gain hours and ratings, etc., before they move on the the next phase of their career. The 19YO's parents paid for his PPL, which got me thinking: I wonder how many kids in Asher's School wanted to learn to fly but the parents (or single parent) couldn't afford it. I was a single mom, I couldn't have afforded it. I also borrowed everything I could to get myself through college and spent years paying it off. There are a lot of kids out there who have so much potential, but have no support system at home. They are in the system (foster care), or other challenges that would inhibit their exploring a career in aviation. So I decided to start this non profit.
"We provide education and resources for mid to low income individuals to become a professional pilot for a major airline. All expenses are paid, from the first discovery flight until they graduate from a 4 year university and are accepted to a major airline as a pilot in command. In return, we ask that the student volunteer 8 weeks of his or her time to a charity that we approve of and they need to complete this within 5 years of being accepted to the airline." I've doing A LOT of research. There are many scholarships that provide part of the education but I haven't found any that is a full ride. Is it simply the cost? If the child receives a PPL scholarship, then what happens? Does the school help them move on? It doesn't seem that they do, but I may wrong about that. Thoughts, anyone?
If female, I’d look here. https://www.ninety-nines.org/scholarship-summary.htm

Yeah flight training cost $$, a major hurdle for most.

I signed into the military Reserves at 17, not for everyone, no you don’t have to be a Rambo. All the services are hurting for recruitment now. A little discipline & some coin for training helps most. With Reserves or Guard one never misses a beat with training or college after High School.

Like I told the one guy not long ago, flight training then a career takes initiative. Most have done that, got back up after a stumble, kept moving forward.
That link you gave me was a good one, thank you!
Of course I had no idea of your age. Going from private to major airline at 57 could be a steep hurdle.

Right now I’d find a place you like & work on the private. A few other options, keep your eyes out for someone with a plane, free or low cost flying, maybe.

One can also study for free, they have downloads on the FAA site that are very good, no cost.
Hi there, I'm new to this forum
Has anyone heard of a full ride scholarship program for high schoolers? One that not only provides PPL but funding for the 4 year degree to become a pilot for a major airline?

No, but that doesn’t mean one could not string together a bunch of small scholarships into a full ride.

Honestly, I’d wonder if there’s full-ride scholarships for other vo-tech programs like bus driver or ship captain as those are similar transportation roles.