Long rant


Line Up and Wait
Jan 15, 2007
Grantsburg WI
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Daniel Michaels
I just got back from the board meeting where they were to approve my new FBO at the airport. Now I know why the country is in such bad shape. The people that are running it are idiots.

A little back ground, earlier this year they asked for help mowing the runway and surrounding lawns. Not many volunteered so all hanger owners got letters saying what month they were to mow. Yeah I know we did not volunteer. My month was April. At the airport no mower, "We don't have it fixed yet. next week same thing. grass is now 1.5' tall. I use my skid steer and brush mower to knock it down and then my own mower to mow it. next two weeks still no mower, this time it is only 1' so I use the City mower after they are done with it at 4:pM I mow non stop until 2:AM looks great. Airport mower finally arrives but my month is up. Next month no ones mows for 2 weeks grass again over 1' tall I mow again so as to not loose the ground I gained. I decided If they would let me use part of the terminal building in exchange for maintenance The airport would benefit. I brought this up at the meeting. By the way the room I was asking for is not used for anything.

They would allow me to remodel the room (My cost) and then take over all maintenance again (At my cost) They want me to pay for fuel to mow and plow.

I told them you ask for volunteers to mow and I mowed even though I did not volunteer. Now I asked for something in return that costs you nothing and that is a no go. They finally agreed they should pay for fuel. I sat through most of the meeting and watched them scam people out of land and things that would turn your skin. They are drawing the lease up for me to sign. They also wanted a percent of the fuel sales (We have no fuel at the airport) So I offered to set a system up. They would not do it. "We don't want to be fuel dealers". Almost all of the city owned airports that have their own fuel are very nice airports to fly into.

The other thing was they would not do it in pieces, they would not vote on if I could run my business A&P without voting on the whole package.

When I go back to see the lease I will know whether or not I will even attempt to work with them. If it is so over the top, I will just take my hanger down and move it elsewhere.

Ouch! But my bigger question is what-the-hell nutrients are in Wisconsin soil that the grass grows a foot in two weeks? ("next two weeks still no mower, this time it is only 1' ")

I'm betting that board is nothing but a bunch of idiots enjoying the power they have over the lives of a few. Further, few posses any skill to do anything positive with the power they have.
I just got back from the board meeting where they were to approve my new FBO at the airport. Now I know why the country is in such bad shape. The people that are running it are idiots.

A little back ground, earlier this year they asked for help mowing the runway and surrounding lawns. Not many volunteered so all hanger owners got letters saying what month they were to mow. Yeah I know we did not volunteer. My month was April. At the airport no mower, "We don't have it fixed yet. next week same thing. grass is now 1.5' tall. I use my skid steer and brush mower to knock it down and then my own mower to mow it. next two weeks still no mower, this time it is only 1' so I use the City mower after they are done with it at 4:pM I mow non stop until 2:AM looks great. Airport mower finally arrives but my month is up. Next month no ones mows for 2 weeks grass again over 1' tall I mow again so as to not loose the ground I gained. I decided If they would let me use part of the terminal building in exchange for maintenance The airport would benefit. I brought this up at the meeting. By the way the room I was asking for is not used for anything.

They would allow me to remodel the room (My cost) and then take over all maintenance again (At my cost) They want me to pay for fuel to mow and plow.

I told them you ask for volunteers to mow and I mowed even though I did not volunteer. Now I asked for something in return that costs you nothing and that is a no go. They finally agreed they should pay for fuel. I sat through most of the meeting and watched them scam people out of land and things that would turn your skin. They are drawing the lease up for me to sign. They also wanted a percent of the fuel sales (We have no fuel at the airport) So I offered to set a system up. They would not do it. "We don't want to be fuel dealers". Almost all of the city owned airports that have their own fuel are very nice airports to fly into.

The other thing was they would not do it in pieces, they would not vote on if I could run my business A&P without voting on the whole package.

When I go back to see the lease I will know whether or not I will even attempt to work with them. If it is so over the top, I will just take my hanger down and move it elsewhere.


Wow, sorry to hear that your good deed didn't go unpunished. For a reference on a city-owned airport that sells fuel and is a truly wonderful place to fly into, have them look at Sugar Land Regional Airport. http://www.flysgr.com/

Ouch! But my bigger question is what-the-hell nutrients are in Wisconsin soil that the grass grows a foot in two weeks? ("next two weeks still no mower, this time it is only 1' ")


The grass at my house grows almost that fast... I mowed it last night after 8 days and in some parts the grass was more than 6" long.
What is funny is that you are seeing your above average citizen up there....or at least the ones that convinced the average ones to vote them in.

That is what kills me about all the talk of free markets, elections, business, etc. They all assume that people are not greedy, stupid, too busy to care....and the sad part is that most people are all of the above.
I'm betting that board is nothing but a bunch of idiots enjoying the power they have over the lives of a few. Further, few posses any skill to do anything positive with the power they have.

No truer words have been spoken. I live in an HOA. NEVER AGAIN. :no:

These boards seem to attract people who have never had any "power" in life. Once on the board, they are far too ill-equipped to understand how to manage.

As A. Lincoln once said

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Ouch! But my bigger question is what-the-hell nutrients are in Wisconsin soil that the grass grows a foot in two weeks? ("next two weeks still no mower, this time it is only 1' ")

hydroponics! :rolleyes:
I think Greg may have been referring to a different variety of "Grass" :)
They also wanted a percent of the fuel sales (We have no fuel at the airport) So I offered to set a system up. They would not do it. "We don't want to be fuel dealers". Almost all of the city owned airports that have their own fuel are very nice airports to fly into.

Wow the airport I fly at is a very local strip with rarely more than 1 or 2 aircraft in the traffic pattern (often zero) and we even have fuel.
Dan I'm a bit confused are you talking about the board that owns or runs the airport or the Town's governmental board?
Dan I'm a bit confused are you talking about the board that owns or runs the airport or the Town's governmental board?

It is a little of both. I had a meeting with the Airport committee a few days before. Only one person on that committee was compitent enough to be there. All of them are also on the Village board. There was two other people that are on the airport committee but they never got the word about it. (One of them is in my EAA chapter). The airport commissioner has been there for 20 years and has done very little for the airport. It is his little baby so they just let him have it. The airport commissioner does not want me in there because he knows I will make changes and improve the airport. We have money approved from FAA but they will not take it because then they cannot close the airport if they so choose. They think that if they take the money and 5 years down the line the runway needs to be repaired they will have to do it because they took the money. They don't understand it says "life of improvements" which meens if it needs repair the life is over. (I looked it up) Thing like this they do not do. I also said that you also have a turf runway so if the paved runway gives out and you do not have the money to repair it all you have to do is use the turf runway. Nothing says that you have to use the paved runway. The clerk just said Oh.

This is their mentallity; Someone built a house end of road. It goes by one other persons property (Old couple). They have to supply City water to the person that built the house, (Why, because they just passed the ordinance 10 min before) Now this Old couple have to pay costs of 20,000.00 bacause the water main is now in front of their land. The village came up with a plan that if the old couple sold the village a plot of land by the water main to build a water tower it would defer the cost of the fee. In other words just give us the land for free.

Being a nice citizen I told him to just survey off 10 feet along the road and do a quit claim on it.
