London bombers

I hope that their 72 virgins are all porcine in nature and every meal consists of large helpings of bacon, ham, pork chops and of course scrapple for dessert.Murderers masquerading as human beings like that give the rest of us a bad reputation.
F.W. Birdman said:
I hope that their 72 virgins are all porcine in nature and every meal consists of large helpings of bacon, ham, pork chops and of course scrapple for dessert.Murderers masquerading as human beings like that give the rest of us a bad reputation.

The one PIX on the above listed link of Mr. Hussain reminds me of the guy the TSA and AOPA was alerting CFIs to be on the look out for a few months ago from incidents flying in training flights in Georgia but, I think he was apprehended shortly thereafter in London ?
Howcum the "true heroes" like Bin Laden and Al Zaqawi never get in line with these guys to become martyrs?