Little Ice Age Caused by Volcanic Eruptions

I understand the glaciers in Glacier Nat'l park are remnents of that time. I should visit before they disappear in the next 7 years or so.

Thanks for sharing!
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I am in big trouble living so far north.

The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.
Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food
Volcanic effects on climate are included in the climate models.

Models? The same ones that predicted what so far with accuracy...?

By the way: Even if we concede that there is a "consensus in science," surely those scientists can provide evidence of who or what has been harmed on earth by "man made (anthropomorphic) Global Warming."


Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Models? The same ones that predicted what so far with accuracy...?

While accuracy is always desireable, I doubt that determining whether human CO2 emissions are causing significant warming requires a high degree of accuracy.

The American Institute of Physics has an extensive article on the history of the discovery of global warming, which includes a summary of the evidence on whether the models are good enough to be useful:

By the way: Even if we concede that there is a "consensus in science," surely those scientists can provide evidence of who or what has been harmed on earth by "man made (anthropomorphic) Global Warming."


Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Here's a site that lists positive and negative effects of global warming:
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While accuracy is always desireable, determining whether human CO2 emissions are causing significant warming does not require a high degree of accuracy.

The American Institute of Physics has an extensive article on the history of the discovery of global warming, which includes a summary of the evidence on whether the models are good enough to be useful:

Here's a site that list positive and negative effects of global warming:

IOW, none yet. Every single one (every one) is a specific instance linked to specific, local conditions. None are due to "global climate change."

Dan- instead of acting like a jerk about it, how about providing some data supporting your view. Peer reviewed articles would be nice.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I only see smoke form your posts in this thread.
MMGW is a religion, not a science.

During the dinosaur era the level of CO was 5% any one care to guess what it is today?

Why were there so many jungles and lush vegitation throughout many areas of the world? Because CO is plant food.

Simple answers? Yes, there is no MMGW. Period. You can try and make that as complicated as you want, but the facts are there is none. Period.
Dan- instead of acting like a jerk about it, how about providing some data supporting your view. Peer reviewed articles would be nice.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I only see smoke form your posts in this thread.

Read through the list. It's clear that any weather-related event is attributed to AGW.

And "Millions displaced" Really? Where? Wouldn't there be footae of these millions running away from encroaching seas?

Proof? How about 150 year old photographs of ports with the tides at the exact same levels and the exact same piers?

The logic is clearly reaching -- grabbing, really -- for any straw that would support The Cause.

I'm really hoping all this stuff is archived and accessible 25 years from now when the alarmists are replaced by the next wave warning about Global Cooling. That right there will be fun-ee.
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Read through the list. It's clear that any weather-related event is attributed to AGW.

And "Millions displaced" Really? Where? Wouldn't there be footae of these millions running away from encroaching seas?

Proof? How about 150 year old photographs of ports with the tides at the exact same levels and the exact same piers?

The logic is clearly reaching -- grabbing, really -- for any straw that would support The Cause.

I'm really hoping all this stuff is archived and accessible 25 years from now when the alarmists are replaced by the next wave warning about Global Cooling. That right there will be fun-ee.
That's better.

I remember the global cooling stuff from the 1970's so I do take the models with a bit of salt.

Do note that photographs from 150 years ago are fairly rare (1860s- using glass plates with low light sensitivity), but with that said, Venice (Italy) does have flooding issues that they never had before. There are also some Pacific islands that are having flooding issues as well- I'll try to dig up some references.
That's better.

I remember the global cooling stuff from the 1970's so I do take the models with a bit of salt.

Do note that photographs from 150 years ago are fairly rare (1860s- using glass plates with low light sensitivity), but with that said, Venice (Italy) does have flooding issues that they never had before. There are also some Pacific islands that are having flooding issues as well- I'll try to dig up some references.

I remember the cooling stuff from 1975 as well (heard it daily in Mr Kennington's Meteorology class).

Photography was still new, but there are images from the 1860-80s that show docks, wharves, beaches, etc at the same levels we see them today.

In addition, many of those locations have remained unchanged.
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I remember the cooling stuff from 1975 as well (heard it daily in Mr Kennington's Meteorology class).

Photography was still new, but there are images from the 1860-80s that show docks, wharves, beaches, etc at the same levels we see them today.

In addition, many of those locations have remained unchanged.

Let's not forget that land masses rise and fall too, albeit usually more slowly than sea levels. So rising sea levels in a particular area could be partially caused by sinking land mass.
i believe that an ice age isn't over until there IS no ice left. weren't any ice caps at all during the times the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

of course, all this shows we really are still not sure exactly how the planet we live on works.
I remember the cooling stuff from 1975 as well (heard it daily in Mr Kennington's Meteorology class).

Photography was still new, but there are images from the 1860-80s that show docks, wharves, beaches, etc at the same levels we see them today.

In addition, many of those locations have remained unchanged.
So point out those photographs.

Like I mentioned, Venice is a good choice