Life changing, Aviation.


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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Today was probably one of the best flights I've ever had. I was supposed to go to Colorado springs from Rocky Mountain Metro preparing for my solo XC. A huge line of thunderstorms had just passed as I got to the airport and we waited it out a bit longer.

I got in a different plane than normal with very nice avionics and handled so smoothly. As the storms just passed it was also very smooth in that regard. We departed right before sunset, and rainbows were pretty much everywhere. As we continued south and were about 20 North of KCOS I began checking into the apparent thunderstorm I was concerned about in front of us. I called Flight watch and made the decision to head home. Although we would have to do the flight again I really didn't mind.

People often say its all about the journey not the destination, but not until today and this flight that I truly understood that saying to its fullest. This is why aviation is so incredible!
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People often say its all about the journey not the destination, but not until today and this flight that I truly understood that saying to its fullest. This is why aviation is so incredible!
That's great, Austin. It's important to stop and smell the roses. :thumbsup:
My grandpa always says, "Small airplanes are made to discover america". I think he's right...
Welcome to the club!
You never know will you be able to reach your destination or not when you are taking off.
As a student pilot I had a similar experience - I took off for 50+nm solo XC, checked out the weather along the route and at destination and when I got close to the destination I saw a huge cloud on top of my destination :(
Clouds were at 300ft, not really VFR, so I just turned around and come back to my home base. So I didn't do my XC but I really had a blast - flying without that fat guy(my CFI) in the right seat was just priceless :)
Days like that are great.... One better for me anyway is lining up on final for KOSH and being told which dot to land on and seeing thousands of aircraft on the field.
Why did you keep saying "we".
Quote: We departed right before sunset.

Did you end up doing a dual xc?
Why did you keep saying "we".
Quote: We departed right before sunset.

Did you end up doing a dual xc?

BTW I also refer to flying in my plane as 'WE'. Me and the plane = WE, even if no one else is aboard...I bet many pilots here do the same thing.
BTW I also refer to flying in my plane as 'WE'. Me and the plane = WE, even if no one else is aboard...I bet many pilots here do the same thing.
I guess Charles Lindbergh started a trend....