Lesson 1

Mike Smith

May 15, 2011
Prattville, Alabama
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Fresh Prince of PrattVegas
Is in the books, log book that is. .7 to be exact. It as hot, hazy and I got green around the gills by the end. I can't wait to go back Wednesday.
Good job! It was hot and hazy today. If you do a xc over to gtr let me know. Not sure where prattville is, but I will after I post this:D.

Okay you are kind of far. But make sure to head over to meridian. Lots of military aircraft and a very nice fbo with free hot dogs, waffles, pop corn, and ice cream.
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Congrats,sounds like you have the bug. Enjoy.
If you scroll to the end of this thread, then you are practically done:
http://www.pilotsofamerica.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72467 :)

Seriously, well done.
Keep posting on your progress!

Honestly, I cannot fathom soloing in 10-15 hours. I was so overwhelmed yesterday I can barely remember my name. I am in NO hurry to solo or go for the check ride. It's a journey, not a destination for me. ( I know, corny, but true) I have been a member here for three years reading and posting some. I went for a discovery flight way back then and the guy scared me so bad I don't even remember it. I thought I had at least a grasp of what to expect, nope, not at all. I may be the solo at 75 guy, and that's fine with me. I guess I need to start one of those training log threads.
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Is in the books, log book that is. .7 to be exact. It as hot, hazy and I got green around the gills by the end. I can't wait to go back Wednesday.

Congrats and remember enjoy the ride :)
Honestly, I cannot fathom soloing in 10-15 hours. I was so overwhelmed yesterday I can barely remember my name. I am in NO hurry to solo or go for the check ride. It's a journey, not a destination for me. ( I know, corny, but true) I have been a member here for three years reading and posting some. I went for a discovery flight way back then and the guy scared me so bad I don't even remember it. I thought I had at least a grasp of what to expect, nope, not at all. I may be the solo at 75 guy, and that's fine with me. I guess I need to start one of those training log threads.

It will come together quicker than you think. Don't tell your instructor when you feel ready to solo, he will tell you.

Oh, Prattville, I used to date a girl there, really nice town. I always enjoyed spending time there.
It probably doesn't need to be said, but what the heck: don't count hours. Enjoy the ride, study hard, train seriously, but have fun, too. Some things will come quicker than you think, other things may take a while to click. The end result is to be a safe pilot with solid foundations so you can go on and begin learning on your own after you get your certificate.
It probably doesn't need to be said, but what the heck: don't count hours. Enjoy the ride, study hard, train seriously, but have fun, too. Some things will come quicker than you think, other things may take a while to click. The end result is to be a safe pilot with solid foundations so you can go on and begin learning on your own after you get your certificate.

That is my mentality. I could not care less how long it takes to any of the "milestones". Back at in the morning bright and early, or should I say, hazy and early.
Yeah, it sure is a firehose at first.

It may be hard to believe, but it definitely IS learnable. And it won't seem that intractable after your first solo.

Study it seriously and do your homework, and it will all come.

Now, if you want a real firehose, go look at the Instrument Flying Handbook. That's learnable, too.

Your head may be saying you don't care -- and you're right; it doesn't really matter how long any stage takes. But most of us have played head games with ourselves over that anyway.