lenticular + cumulus?


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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So there I was... around HELON. I had a decent tailwind at 7500, winds were generally out of the southwest. As usual, there was a street of fair weather cumulus along the ridge. I turned northbound to cross the ridge and go over the clouds. I hit a bit of a downdraft but was able to maintain altitude. I get to the downwind side, and it looks like there's a lenticular cloud tucked in there. The terrain is only ~2300 so I cleared everything by a pretty wide margin, didn't encounter any turbulence, and descended uneventfully once I reached the valley.

I always imagined lenticular clouds as free standing, but apparently not always. I didn't take a pic but it looked sort of like this:

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Bingo, it looked like your second photo. Thanks, @scottd. Are they not hazardous since they are not associated with mountain wave in this case? I was worried my plane would be rent asunder by flying over it, so naturally, I flew over it.
Your second cumulus cloud has a mullet.