Learning the gopro


Aug 15, 2012
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Well I have made two videos recently from my gopro. Below are the links, kind of boring I suppose actually. I'm still learning so hopefully Ill get more creative with it. I enjoy flying and videoing so I figure ill try to combine them. I am also a beekeeper and have a few vids of that. Any more beekeepers out there??



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb0nOmGjjmQ (yup that is me on a ladder in the back of my truck catching a swarm of bees. Notice how the bees miss the box!)
I can't advise you on the bee-catching, but I'm not a big fan of fixed-camera flying vids, especially with the camera well below normal eye level. Strap that thing to your head or get your pax to shoot.
I think fixed position video is great. Nothing worse than a video that is not held still. Get another camera and incorporate another view for more depth.
Love my go pro! It makes the video look like a simulation. Has anyone tried using one on the outside of the aircraft? Supposed to sustain up to 200 mph wind. I also strap mine to a fishing pole when I go for bass.
Love my go pro! It makes the video look like a simulation. Has anyone tried using one on the outside of the aircraft? Supposed to sustain up to 200 mph wind. I also strap mine to a fishing pole when I go for bass.

Yeah Ive strapped mine out on the wing. I always plaster it down with gap seal tape though.