Landing the Pitts in a crosswind....

Chip, i get a message video doesnt load when linked direct.can yopu find it somewherer esle
Shipoke said:
Chip, i get a message video doesnt load when linked direct.can yopu find it somewherer esle
Oops. I guess I could have tested that link. I've edited the original post with a link that should work.

Cool video. I guess I haven't had that much of a crosswind yet. Some real gusty stuff, but with decent runway alignment. The whole landing thing hasn't been as daunting as I'd prepared myself mentally for it to be.

Today it was bad enough that I kept it in the hangar and spent some time fabricating a bracket to which to attach the mount for the GPS.
Chip that link takes me to a Juggler, what sthat have to do with Xwind landings