Ladies Love Taildraggers Newest Video!

Hey Judy,

Glad to see you over here! See you in June


For any POAers that are curious I'm in that video towards the end... Standing up about to get in a sukhoi, friend Jeff is already in back laughing... Maroon shirt, long hair in pony tail (which is now short again). Fourth picture after the artist pic of the girl putting lipstick on
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Thanks. I don't know why I never think to check out POA, there's lots happening here. I got a message yesterday from your future copilot to the lady taildraggers flyin. She's so excited!
I love this painting that flashes by in that video, do you know who the artist is and if there are prints available somewhere? I can see the artist's first initials look like E.M., but can't read the last name.
Cool! I think I saw at least two people I recognized.
It's on the Facebook wall of one of our taildragger gals. I tried to blow up the signature too and still couldn't read it. I'll send her an email and & get back to you. It's a great picture and soooo perfect for our group!
Pretty amazing. The piece belongs to the EAA Museum at Oshkosh. She took the picture of it when she got to go in the museum's storage area. Here's her note back to me:

"The artist is Elwood Bond. He donated the painting to EAA 15 years ago. Maybe we could get them to let us make prints from the painting and sell them for donations to EAA. I called Elwood and asked him if it was ok and he said yes. I said that it could be an inspiration to young women. He lives near Cherryridge PA and is still a member of EAA."

Pretty cool. Hopefully we can make it happen. We know there are at least 3 of us that would like to have a print!
Pretty amazing. The piece belongs to the EAA Museum at Oshkosh. She took the picture of it when she got to go in the museum's storage area. Here's her note back to me:

"The artist is Elwood Bond. He donated the painting to EAA 15 years ago. Maybe we could get them to let us make prints from the painting and sell them for donations to EAA. I called Elwood and asked him if it was ok and he said yes. I said that it could be an inspiration to young women. He lives near Cherryridge PA and is still a member of EAA."

Pretty cool. Hopefully we can make it happen. We know there are at least 3 of us that would like to have a print!

That would be cool! If you make it happen, I definitely want a print! :D
Save up and get that tailwheel endorsement. Will be the best gift you ever gave yourself! Then.....register on! We'll be there cheering you on.

I'm not sure I can afford it since I often fly (without a CFI, and in an $80 per hour plane) only once or twice per month. For training taildraggers, that would be only once per month. Just not enough.
