Lance F

PoA Supporter
Apr 9, 2005
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Lance F
Had one of those phone calls I like on Wednesday. A pilot was needed for a Hawker 800 four day trip. Could I do it? Yeah, well that was an easy one.

Anyway, the point is I ended up at KTEB, Teterboro,NJ yesterday. KTEB is the closest airport to Manhattan. Well, there is an economy in this country going on just fine thank you. This place is awash in biz jets. Standing ouside of my plane on the ramp at one of the FBOs there, I literally could not count them all. It is truly amazing. My hotel room window looks out at the Manhattan skyline and at short final for one of the runways. The jets were landing constantly at 2 minute intervals.

I hope this is kind of a leading indicator because the money flowing at this airport is quite impressive.

(I'd post a picture but I see no way to do that posting from an iPad.)
KTEB is very very very very busy... If you've not been there before, you're in for a treat on departure... how does that thing taxi on one engine?
The Hawker ground steers by a wheel on the far left side. I don't get to do that part, but I'm sure it does just fine on one. :)
I've had my Mooney in here a couple of times, but it's a big pain, very expensive,and they really don't want you. Heck I only saw two planes with props, a Pilatus P12 and a Piaggio, on the ramp. A King Air is a big nothing here. Bring a jet, preferably a big one, or don't come. Amazing
It's a hellofa place, isn't it! I've only been there once when there wasn't some sort of a line for departure. At least your plane fits in on the ramp pretty well (though I've always thought those Hawkers look a bit cross-eyed when viewed from behind). Just remember, 1,500 on departure, not a foot higher!!
I used to go there a lot when I had friends that lived close by, but they moved, so I don't get up there anymore. IIRC when Millionaire was still there it was relatively cheap as they'd wave the first night fee if you bought fuel, and the only ramp fee I got was from the state of NJ for $5.00 in the mail. So, staying one night only cost me a few gallons of expensive fuel + $5. But that was 8 - 10 years or so ago, and I'm sure it is different now.