Know your Stainless Steels


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Display name:
Dave Taylor
“It’s stainless, what else is there to know?”

(suffering in bed with covid, watching metallurgy videos - totally geeky, I know)

That brings me back to welding school. Had a week of metallurgy and geeked way harder on it than I should have. Just recently had to weld some duplex stainless steel for a company that manufactures the vacuum toilet service units for the big iron. They called for a duplex rod and the Alloy was unobtanium in the states. Waited 2 months for a box of filler rod I'll never use again. 10 lb minimum and I think I used 6 rods. When they questioned the bill I shrugged and pointed to their repair procedure.
Why is this dumped in an obscure forum nobody looks at?
Why is this dumped in an obscure forum nobody looks at?

Seems if you seek to open a conversation (thread) and reference a video at the beginning it gets tossed in here where most folks are loath to look ...
Because some people can't seem to not click on video links and then they become offended when it's a video.