Katamarino's Round the World flight

I've lurked/followed along from afar on your website/PoA and I'm so incredibly impressed by your trip! Congrats on that HI leg. I've been pondering a similar type of trip to various different countries (at least a couple years away if I can make it happen) so I greatly appreciate you documenting your trip, the prep work, etc.

Are you primarily based out of PA or the UK?
The end of trip party will be at KPJC on Saturday, 5pm. All welcome.
Congrats on quite the accomplishment!

Just went to KPJC for the first time ever last week - if someone could teach me how to pronounce the name of the field, perhaps will go back again!
Congrats on quite the accomplishment!

Just went to KPJC for the first time ever last week - if someone could teach me how to pronounce the name of the field, perhaps will go back again!

Zelienople is spelled phonetically zee-lee-uh-now-pl just like the township.
I wish I could say we had the cheapest fuel in Illinois to entice you to stop here on the way to Pennsylvania.
With the size of his tanks, that could be an expensive proposition!
That's true, but in my defense I did say "a tank", not all of his tanks.
Or perhaps buy him a cheeseburger instead.
Fillit mig non???
I wish I could make it, but instead I’ll just send my heartfelt congratulations! It was a remarkable achievement under extremely trying circumstances!
Congrats! Unfortunately I’ll be flying to KC.

Somehow I thought Rough River was your circumnav point? ;)
Oh so close to final landing at this timestamp.....

Is that a pineapple or are you just glad to be back over dry land?
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GPS Tracker. It's really a lot more detailed as you zoom in but it's too big for my screen.

gps tracker.png
Congratulations! An epic accomplishment. You got engaged and married. Oh, and there was circling the globe too.
Congratulations! An epic accomplishment. You got engaged and married. Oh, and there was circling the globe too.
Whoa! I remember the engagement, when was the wedding?

We are continuing to look into the forum software's lack of a double-like button. Until that's implemented, I'm going to post this reply and then like my own post.

Edit to add: Additional defect noted, I can't like my own post. Consider this a double-like of your awesome picture at the end of a most excellent adventure.
a most excellent adventure.
