Just for those who ever wondered.....


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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what a full grown sesame looks like.


Question came up at work. Bonus pic of something more recognizable.

What was the conversation you had leading to this question I wonder??
Mitch Hedberg:
What does a sesame seed grow into? I don't know, we never give them a chance. what the **** is a sesame? It's a street! a way to open stuff!
Mitch Hedberg:
What does a sesame seed grow into? I don't know, we never give them a chance. what the **** is a sesame? It's a street! a way to open stuff!
Man Mitch had some good stuff. I love his “A broken escalator is just stairs. The sign should read ‘escalator is temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience’”

Saw Mitch at a free outdoor event on OU's campus (University of Oklahoma) back in '02 or '03. Zach Galifianakis opened for him doing a stand-up routine while playing piano. Had a "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy" kind of vibe to it. Great stuff, sad that Mitch left us so early.
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When I lived in Korea, I ripped a whole bunch of these out of the spot where I parked my Daelim Honda scooter.

When my wife told to me what they were, it explained why my landlord was so upset... Eeesh! :rolleyes:
Man Mitch had some good stuff. I love his “A broken escalator is just stairs. The sign should read ‘escalator is temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience’”


Yeah, what a comedic genius. I thought his observation about rice was great..."when you're hungry and need to eat 4000 of something."
I have wondered about a lot of things but I can't say I ever wondered what a full growed sesame looked like, until now....