Joiwind Alexander


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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Man, I'm impressed with some of the folks I read about in the "Pilots" profiles at the back of AOPA Pilot magazine. Anyone else read Joiwind's story in the May 2008 issue, page 122?

Holy cow! Here's a snippet--you need to read the rest of the story to read her aviation heritage, and her future plans.

Her first flight lesson was on September 9, 2006. By November, she had her private pilot certificate, which was followed in December by a multiengine rating, and the instrument ticket was achieved in January 2007. One month later, she was a commercial pilot in multiengine aircraft and in March of that year, she became a flight instructor for both visual and instrument flight in both multiengine and single-engine aircraft. To cap it off, on August 16, 2007, less than a year from her first lesson and with more than 500 hours, she was hired by ExpressJet as a first officer flying an Embraer 145, a 50-seat regional jet.

Hot dog! I wonder if she's ever been accused of being a lazy underachiever?
If I had the money I could have done it. This is just a case of a lot of money sitting around that was used for a fun hobby turned job.

But no less impressive :D
I think she did miraculously well, but I don't agree with our system allowing anyone to be handling that kind of responsibility that quickly.
You just cannot develop judgement in one year and 500 hours.

Some will say she is just a gear-swinger right now, but I think someone of that experience level should be paired with a very experienced captain until she has a couple thousand hours and a few years under her belt.
Sounds like she went to ATP, or one of the other big schools. That's what they do. Most of the folks I went there with have a similar, if not exact same story. That's the big academies/pilot shortage, for ya.
Sounds like she went to ATP, or one of the other big schools. That's what they do. Most of the folks I went there with have a similar, if not exact same story. That's the big academies/pilot shortage, for ya.

Good guess. In the AOPA photo of her, she's wearing an ATP shirt.