Job offered in job/seeker mismatch scenario.

Although the big thing these days is NoSQL, so Couchbase, Mongo, Cassandra, Aerospike, Redis, is the cool hipster tech to know :)

You forgot Hadoop. Or is that fad fading yet? ;) And don't forget to sprinkle liberally with JSON and REST APIs. Heheheh.

Amazing how big systems were up and running and working on mainframes long long ago with a completely different gaggle of acronyms and languages isn't it? ;)

The on call discussion made me think of a guy i know at our comany. He's a contractor and has it written into his employment agreement that he won't work in any country that ends in "-stan".
My on call is different. I think anyway...

We have a phone that goes around between 6 of us. We are all managers.
we have 6 teams. Each of us carries the phone for a week on behalf of all 6 teams.
So last week, I got woken up either 15 or 16 times.

I basically try to determine if it really is a work stoppage which 75% of the time it can wait til morning (It's B.S. about being able to train this behavior out of people.)

The rest, I try to fix.

If I can't fix it, I call one of the devs on my or one of the other 5 teams.

Being over ops, people often call me directly when there is an issue versus subbmitting a ticket or calling the on call phone first (It's B.S. about being able to train this behavior out of people.)
You forgot Hadoop. Or is that fad fading yet? ;)

I had one of the bangladeshi recruiter army call me for a Hadoop gig in Dallas this week. (Hadoop does not feature anywhere on my CV) I figure once the tech makes it to Dallas, it's dead and time for the next thing. :D

I thought for sure Couch would beat out Mongo, but it seems like the reverse is true. :dunno:
The on call discussion made me think of a guy i know at our comany. He's a contractor and has it written into his employment agreement that he won't work in any country that ends in "-stan".

So, that leaves Nigeria and Congo wide open. :rofl:
Because "the Ukraine" was already trademarked.

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I am done with the hands on dev stuff. I quit liking it around the time I had kids and didn't want to spend my free time studying new crap all the time.
People never change and are super easy to manage in a tech environment if they enjoy what they do. Money is not a concern as far as who makes what relative to me. I make more than I deserve. Most of my value to my current company comes form the fact that when there is a jam, I can get them out of it. I have a pretty good track record for that. And my team is kick ass so that helps. :)

How can you properly manage a team/projects if you don't understand the technology? IMO, you can't, unless you're willing to learn.

We're having a hard time hiring for developer positions. There will always be a market for smart developers. Problem we're having these days is foreign applications outright lying on their resumes. We'll ask them about technology they've listed on their resumes, and they know nothing about it. I guess they're doing it to get past the HR screeners.
How can you properly manage a team/projects if you don't understand the technology? IMO, you can't, unless you're willing to learn.

We're having a hard time hiring for developer positions. There will always be a market for smart developers. Problem we're having these days is foreign applications outright lying on their resumes. We'll ask them about technology they've listed on their resumes, and they know nothing about it. I guess they're doing it to get past the HR screeners.

I keep up with it but not to the level I would need to if my bread and butter came from it. Nothing I manually do at work tonight requires me sitting down with a book and learning jQuery or whatever the next .NET object-relational mapper MS comes out with. My developers use it, and I need to understand how it works but I don't need to be able to sit down with a compiler and go to town.

I will never stop writing code for myself and I will always keep the knife sharp but not nearly at the rate that I had to when I was the guy writing it.