iThingy MP3 Player App?


May 6, 2013
Santa Cruz, CA
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Tossing out a question to the all knowing interwebs...

I have three or four iThingies ranging from G1 iPads, to iPods, to old iPhone 4s that I wanna use literally just for music players with various libraries of music. Already have content in Mp3 files.

Anyone have a good recommendation for an IOS MP3 Player App that has playlist capabilities and that does NOT use Itunes and can be sent the MP3 files from any laptop? not want it to sync with anyone's iTunes account.
I may be a dinosaur but have to ask why people are so hung up on having everything at their fingertips on their i phones. I use the damned phone to communicate with those I want to speak with.

Grouch to be sure.
Tossing out a question to the all knowing interwebs...

I have three or four iThingies ranging from G1 iPads, to iPods, to old iPhone 4s that I wanna use literally just for music players with various libraries of music. Already have content in Mp3 files.

Anyone have a good recommendation for an IOS MP3 Player App that has playlist capabilities and that does NOT use Itunes and can be sent the MP3 files from any laptop? not want it to sync with anyone's iTunes account.
iTunes is their method for getting it into the built in music app (MP3 is not supported, so it converts them during the transfer), though the iPhone can natively play MP3 files from emails. My voicemails are stored as MP3 files in an email message and I can play them on the phone. So, you could email files to yourself. I believe there are some MP3 player apps on the App Store that will let you store files and play them. iPhone and iPads do not give you direct access to a files system, they store them with an app, so there is no straight forward way to dump a bunch of files on one of those devices, though there are some hacks for doing that.
If you find a good one let us know. The included music app on the iphone has been terrible for the last few versions. I think they redesigned it around their streaming service and made playing music on your device an afterthought. Lots of pretty album art but very basic functions like creating playlists, playing music, shuffle/loop/etc are awkward and not always intuitive.

I may be a dinosaur but have to ask why people are so hung up on having everything at their fingertips on their i phones. I use the damned phone to communicate with those I want to speak with.

Grouch to be sure.

When it comes to music it's pretty handy to have one thing that I always have with me anyway that I can plug into my car, home stereo, use with headphones, or just use the built-in speaker that has the entirety of everything I listen to available at all times. It's basically like having a large case of CDs in your pocket... although I can't remember the last time I actually used a CD player.

Same argument with all the other stuff a phone has really. It's one thing in my pocket that I'm always carrying that has the functionality of 4 or 5 other devices and then some. I know there are lot of kids that just use them to take selfies and play games but some of us actually find them to be very handy for practical things.
I may be a dinosaur but have to ask why people are so hung up on having everything at their fingertips on their i phones.

This one is for business use...we have a client we travel with all over the world and need to bring along music devices with their dedicated playlist for events, receptions and such and my guy in the field may need to add a track which is why Itunes sync wont be an option. Since I have the iGak hardware already laying around, looking for options to make those work rather buying new dedicated MP3 players.

...and yes, it is properly licensed music.