Is this a Denied Medical- Or something else?!


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 16, 2024
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My partner has been in the process of receiving her special issuance first class medical for about 10 months now. She has Autism and takes a small dose of SSRIs. She completed all the necessary testing and paperwork. Her AME seemed quite hopeful she would get approved.

However today she found this message in her Medxpress account. She is planning not to jump to any conclusions until she gets a formal letter from the FAA, but we want to know what she should expect. Is this a rejection? Or does it mean something else? I have seen a few people on here who have gotten this message but no one has updated with what it lead to. Please please let me know if you have any information at all!!


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It’s either a denial or a demand letter asking for more information.

My partner has been in the process of receiving her special issuance first class medical for about 10 months now. She has Autism and takes a small dose of SSRIs. She completed all the necessary testing and paperwork. Her AME seemed quite hopeful she would get approved.

However today she found this message in her Medxpress account. She is planning not to jump to any conclusions until she gets a formal letter from the FAA, but we want to know what she should expect. Is this a rejection? Or does it mean something else? I have seen a few people on here who have gotten this message but no one has updated with what it lead to. Please please let me know if you have any information at all!!
The battle is going to be hard ✌️ FAA vs Human
She has Autism and takes a small dose of SSRIs.

You are probably facing an uphill battle, and it may be a pretty steep hill. Dr. Bruce ( @bbchien ) is one of the three very senior AMEs on this forum and he typically only works on difficult cases. Regarding autism, a couple of years ago Bruce wrote:

Now as to autuism spectrum, I have succeeded just twice. Just twice in 23 years of doing these. Both had to see the federal external academic consultant (ANNUALLY) and both were very minimal on the spectrum. Why? MARITIME LAW. At sea, the PIC is the judge, jury and baliff all at once and the very thing that put a person on the spectrum, defective interactions with other persons, is why this is problemmatic for the agency.

In addition to the autism, you also mentioned she takes SSRIs, which I took to mean she's on more than one. Taking more than one anti-depressant is also a reason for denial. Bruce was one of the authors of the FAA's protocol for SSRI meds so he can tell you more and you can take what he says on the subject as gospel.

You'll learn more once you receive the letter. Good luck.