Is Squawk Shoppe still in business?

By that definition, every decent aircraft paint shop is a failed business. Craftsmanship is not easy to scale.

I have no dog in this race but he could very have have just decided he was bored of painting headphones and the hacking thing was enough of an incentive to drop it all together.

As could also be said about pilatus.
The difference Brad is many people NEED to paint the plane. Nobody NEEDS flames or an American flag painting on there headset.
Did this guy / company personally wrong you? You made a few different points about "capitalism prevailing" etc but from what I can infer on here it sounds like he had a pretty healthy order backlog. I would suggest that capitalism showed a big demand for his product.. how is that capitalism prevailing in failing his business? Wouldn't nthat show demand?

But it was a novelty market and capitalism prevailed. The market spoke
How does an apparent order backlog suggest that capitalism prevailed and failed his business? Wouldn't the apparent demand mean that there are people out there who want painted headsets?

If you can't deliver product, you are done. Period.
No, not necessarily, there are plenty of people and companies who will wait months and years for a product they want. That's how supply and demand and capitals and works. ESPECIALLY for some area that has been cornered or specialized, like people waiting for Tesla, Vision Jet, 787, Deadpool 2, painted headsets, etc.

Sounds like you just didn't like his product and are glad to see a business (in the otherwise small GA world) fail for some reason
The difference Brad is many people NEED to paint the plane. Nobody NEEDS flames or an American flag painting on there headset. Same with avionics. I waited months to get a slot for a transponder.

Care to explain the NEED of an airplane in the first place? Why do you NEED a transponder? Do you NEED to fly in controlled airspace?
^I think he just really hated American flag painted headsets for some reason
^I think he just really hated American flag painted headsets for some reason

I think he doesn’t understand irony.

How many NIMBYs say “Why do they NEED to keep flying those loud little airplanes over my house?”

People fly little airplanes for the same reason they buy colored headsets. Because it’s fun. Not everyone has to like colored headsets, just like not everyone has to like little airplanes. The beauty of this country is we have the freedom to have asinine opinions and make asinine choices. Crapping on a frequent poster, GA advocate, and all around nice guys GA centered small business is very counterintuitive to the future of GA as a whole.
I also know from first hand experience, there is certainly no need to paint an airplane. :D
Circle those wagons guys! Doesn't change the facts one bit though. Nobody needs anything but three things in, water and shelter. After that, it's all luxury.

Sounds to me like it's a hard pill to swallow though. Perhaps it is because he was on here drumming up business and you feel a personal connection and can't bare to hear the truth. Reasonable given the "social hierarchy" in online communication. "Friends", I get it.

But ultimately Thats what's wrong with people today.....they are so PC they can't handle facts anymore. Daisy's and unicorns for all. This business was just another concept without capability to deliver. A hobby turned job with no foundation for success.

If you don't see it that way, I'm OK with that. I respect your views. Just as you should understand my position. But it's easy to dogpile and name call than discuss it among peers. Another fault of social media.....words without consequences. Emboldened by anonymity to say what one wouldn't dare face to face. Yeah, I know..."I'd say it to your face" right? Doubt it.
Circle those wagons guys! Doesn't change the facts one bit though. Nobody needs anything but three things in, water and shelter. After that, it's all luxury.

Sounds to me like it's a hard pill to swallow though. Perhaps it is because he was on here drumming up business and you feel a personal connection and can't bare to hear the truth. Reasonable given the "social hierarchy" in online communication. "Friends", I get it.

But ultimately Thats what's wrong with people today.....they are so PC they can't handle facts anymore. Daisy's and unicorns for all. This business was just another concept without capability to deliver. A hobby turned job with no foundation for success.

If you don't see it that way, I'm OK with that. I respect your views. Just as you should understand my position. But it's easy to dogpile and name call than discuss it among peers. Another fault of social media.....words without consequences. Emboldened by anonymity to say what one wouldn't dare face to face. Yeah, I know..."I'd say it to your face" right? Doubt it.

You just don't get it, as I recall you're a government worker right, maybe that's why your understanding of working somewhere where others are not forced to buy your product is lacking.

You start off saying his business shut down because his product sucked,

Or the product sucked.....

Then when that is blown out of the water you back peddle to than say his business shut down because he couldn't fill all his back log of orders

...He didn't have the product, capacity, redundancy and capability and thus, augered in...

AND THATS SOMEHOW THE SAME not understand the HUGE difference between the two is nuts!

The fact is, what I and most of the others jumped on you for, falsely claiming that no one wanted his product, or that his product "sucked" was not only rude, but more importantly FLASE.

If you would have just said he went out of business because he couldn't keep up with orders for whatever reason that would be fair, be it his lack of capital/skill/interest, or be it from not being unable to recover after being a victim of that crime, and no one really would have jumped down your throat, but doubling down on your obviously incorrect statement that his businesses demise was a result of his product, well ether you have zero understanding of business, or you're just trolling.

Last I recall, Ive been called quite a few things, PC has never been one of them.
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I’ve known shane for about 8 years and drink beer with him every time I go back to Texas. He was busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest, and then he was hacked. He REFUNDED HIS CUSTOMERS BACKORDERS. That means clearly there was a demand for his product. I’m not sure why you can’t seem to understand that.
I’ve known shane for about 8 years and drink beer with him every time I go back to Texas. He was busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest, and then he was hacked. He REFUNDED HIS CUSTOMERS BACKORDERS. That means clearly there was a demand for his product. I’m not sure why you can’t seem to understand that.
Ok. I can’t understand that one. How does being hacked keep you from delivering a physical product exactly? I don’t see how the two relate.

And how come I didn’t get a refund?
Ok. I can’t understand that one. How does being hacked keep you from delivering a physical product exactly? I don’t see how the two relate.

And how come I didn’t get a refund?

Did you have an order placed?
That's all you got? At least James came with a good position.....


boy you're just an all around butthole that don't know when to shut up.

I don't "got' anything because you embarrassed yourself well enough on your own.

Put the internet down and take a deep breath.
Yes, I concede that his product sucked. I agree with you on that. Some thought it was cool, ok....that's ok. But sucky or cool, if you can't deliver the product, it's not a viable business. Using the "got hacked" excuse is a cop out. He couldn't deliver and it was a way out. Perhaps he had zero computer skillz and it was a dead end when something happened. The site was rudimentary at best.

Here is the bottom line for me. I didn't like his product because I think it's stupid and a novelty I wouldnt pay for. I think he had no business sense and/or computer skills to recover from whatever he thinks happened. I had nothing against the guy that I can recall. I look at it as nothing more than a failed concept where the producer was incapable of sustaining margin/profitability/deliverables.

What I don't subscribe to, which I get a tinge of from this thread, is that he was a GA start up and we must support those folks at all costs. Total BS. The market will dictate who thrives and who gets gobbled up. Clearly he was gobbled up for whatever reason it really was. I suspect it was that a fun hobby suddenly became work and that it lost its allure.

It's clear to me there is a fence down the middle of this topic and I have no desire to cross over to the other side. Spitballing and cherry picking little battles like pointing out small nuances in text or double speak won't win over hearts and minds. I think I have been very respectful, but don't see the reciprocation. I see Type A personalities digging in and doubling down, myself included, because somehow there might be an ah-ha moment in there somewhere. But that is not to be for me and I understand it is impossible for y'all as well. In cards, that's a push. In ball, it's a tie. In words, it's divisive.

boy you're just an all around butthole that don't know when to shut up.

I don't "got' anything because you embarrassed yourself well enough on your own.

Put the internet down and take a deep breath.
I’ve known shane for about 8 years and drink beer with him every time I go back to Texas. He was busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest, and then he was hacked. He REFUNDED HIS CUSTOMERS BACKORDERS. That means clearly there was a demand for his product. I’m not sure why you can’t seem to understand that.

If you know him that well, tell us once and for all why he quit selling painted headsets. If there was demand, why did he refund everyone, cept that other guy here who didn't get his? Something doesn't get carried over in this logic.
.. if you can't deliver the product, it's not a viable business. ...

Think of the show "shark tank"

This isn't a case of him only being able sell 5 headsets and they were to family or friends for lack of interest in the market, or if they cost $400 to make but he could only sell them for $300.

Just because he couldn't, wouldn't, or didn't have the time/computer chops/whatever to run the biz doesn't change the overall product or viability.

If you watch any episode of "shark tank" there will always be one person who has a great product or service but just can't run the shop for whatever reason, you'll see the investors still make offers because the business still is very viable and can make profit, it just needs different people or a capital investment or different infrastructure.

On the other side, a biz that's run really well, BUT a horrible product that no one wants, or a product that cost more to make than it's worth, for that business there is no salvation.

Hence the reason some artsy computer type with more time could probably take over squawk shope and likely make it work out.

So like I said there is a HUUUUGGGGEEE difference between the product/service "sucking" vs simply not being able to run the day to day ops or recover from a major IT issue as a web based company.
Shame he’s out of business. I bought one of his ANR headsets, it was comparable to a DC ANR, but at almost half the cost at the time. Got a cool camouflage design to go with it too. As for the headset, it was comfortable and felt a bit lighter than my original DC.

Sure, it’s not a Bose. But whatever. I liked the headset. And the company. Hopefully he can get back in business.
I have one of his ANR headsets, just a plain boring gray , no fancy artwork, got it as a cheap ANR for back seat passengers, as the previous post stated, it’s no Bose but for occasional use it is good enough

That’s why I was wondering what happened to the business, was going to order another pair to replace some old passive DC set
Did you have an order placed?
Feel free to read my previous post where I explained my situation in detail.

How come you avoided answering my question?
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I fully agree with you here.

Think of the show "shark tank"

This isn't a case of him only being able sell 5 headsets and they were to family or friends for lack of interest in the market, or if they cost $400 to make but he could only sell them for $300.

Just because he couldn't, wouldn't, or didn't have the time/computer chops/whatever to run the biz doesn't change the overall product or viability.

If you watch any episode of "shark tank" there will always be one person who has a great product or service but just can't run the shop for whatever reason, you'll see the investors still make offers because the business still is very viable and can make profit, it just needs different people or a capital investment or different infrastructure.

On the other side, a biz that's run really well, BUT a horrible product that no one wants, or a product that cost more to make than it's worth, for that business there is no salvation.

Hence the reason some artsy computer type with more time could probably take over squawk shope and likely make it work out.

So like I said there is a HUUUUGGGGEEE difference between the product/service "sucking" vs simply not being able to run the day to day ops or recover from a major IT issue as a web based company.
I’ve got to mention here that “getting hacked” or even the silly “being a victim of a crime” isn’t the root cause of his problem.

Not bothering to keep proper backups was.

That one is “Business Continuity 101” level material, there. Heck below that level, since personal non-business computer users know this.
It really could be as simple as this business was unprofitable.
It really could be as simple as this business was unprofitable.
Or a key supplier went out of business, or a key employee quit, or he found a better opportunity, or hes bad at marketing, or accounting, or IT, or any number or other things a small businessman has to be good at to be successful.

All pure speculation.
Or a key supplier went out of business, or a key employee quit, or he found a better opportunity, or hes bad at marketing, or accounting, or IT, or any number or other things a small businessman has to be good at to be successful.

All pure speculation.

What ever it was it is unlikely it was from the righteousness of capitalism. Hell a good marketing guy can put dog poop in a bag and sell it organic fertilizer.
Guess Ford is a failed business too for lack of supplier diversity. Those F-150's really suck anyway, no one wants to buy them.
I believe it was a one man operation, who was manufacturing logistics, marketing, sales, e-commerce and quality control.

Probably overwhelmed doing all this and I suspect a regular day job.
I believe it was a one man operation, who was manufacturing logistics, marketing, sales, e-commerce and quality control.

Probably overwhelmed doing all this and I suspect a regular day job.

Then he should say that. Don’t say “I got hacked” as if that’s an excuse in the era of radio ads for cheap backup software.

No respect for that excuse here.

Not in the era of cheap backup systems being advertised on the freaking car radio.

I completely understand the other problem. Every small business has those problems.

But it’s not what he’s said in public.
People have different tastes and some things are not with arguing over, but especially as a web developer I personally don't buy (no pun intended) the hacking excuse. He never elaborated other than "I was hacked". That's so vague as to be meaningless. What did they do? I have a pretty good imagination and still can't figure out how that would stop his business dead in its tracks. The kind of business he ran didn't even really need a website; it wasn't a case where the website was the product itself.
^I think he just really hated American flag painted headsets for some reason
"some reason"...maybe because it's a violation of the American Flag Code?

My only issue with Shane was that, when he was active, he shat all over this site blatantly and quite frequently shilling his product. Just like a few others have done and continue to do. One of my two pet peeves.
My only issue with Shane was that, when he was active, he shat all over this site blatantly and quite frequently shilling his product. Just like a few others have done and continue to do. One of my two pet peeves.
I don't know him personally, for all I know he and the company could suck. It just seemed like one of the members here really hated the guy and his product and was happy to see him out of business.. which is fine, free country and all. But the person indicated that capitalism was working by failing a business that had an order backlog (which doesn't make sense) and that if a product was not immediately available it meant the business was a failure.. when some of us called out the logical holes in some of his arguments regarding capitalism, crappy products that were in apparent demand, etc. we were called a part of the PC feelings hurt snowflake crowd.. which most of us definitely are NOT

I don't have a horse in the race though.. and maybe he wasn't cut out for running a business and the painted headsets were total pieces of garbage. C'est la vie

**Shark Tank was brought up earlier. Interesting that some of the best ideas don't get funded when either (or both) of the following are true
A.) person doesn't have the best work ethic or commitment (don't need smarts, that's what they need the Sharks for, just need the commitment and effort)
B.) very little (or no) revenue and sales stream
On the flip side, what seemed like even the stupidest ideas would get funding if they had some strong sales and revenue figures

At the end of the day, money talks, and maybe someone with a little more business savvy or skill, or whatever, would have been able to be successful in the painted headset category

Anyway, cheers and happy flying to all!
I’ve got to mention here that “getting hacked” or even the silly “being a victim of a crime” isn’t the root cause of his problem.

Not bothering to keep proper backups was.

That one is “Business Continuity 101” level material, there. Heck below that level, since personal non-business computer users know this.
I've been wondering if the problem with the hack could have had something to do with storing credit card information. As I was selling my business a few years ago, all sorts of new regulations were coming down requiring super high levels of network security and really draconian threats if you get hacked and customer credit card info is stolen. That alone could destroy a small business. But that isn't even just speculation. It is just a thought of a possibility that I had. No matter how good a salesman, book keeper, artist, logistical expert etc he was at running a small business, a problem with governmental liability and failure to abide by a bunch of obscure regulations is extremely dangerous.
That's one reason we don't store any credit card information. We get the number for the card process it and we shred any evidence that we ever had the credit card number. That's our security system for it.
What Ed said. That’s essentially how all web portals do for small companies.

I can take a credit card for flight instruction. It’s handled on someone ELSE’s website who does that crap for a living. PCI is no joke.

I avoid touching anything that has anything to do with PCI if at all possible. Even if the third party takes a pretty good chunk out of my transaction.

@jesse can tell us all about how fun PCI is. Hahaha.
So, my wife is actually very good at painting flowers. If any of ya'all would like a rose or something painted just send your headset this way. She would probably do it for $40 plus shipping. :p:D
So, my wife is actually very good at painting flowers. If any of ya'all would like a rose or something painted just send your headset this way. She would probably do it for $40 plus shipping. :p:D

Please take this to classified. :) :) :)
What Ed said. That’s essentially how all web portals do for small companies.

I can take a credit card for flight instruction. It’s handled on someone ELSE’s website who does that crap for a living. PCI is no joke.

I avoid touching anything that has anything to do with PCI if at all possible. Even if the third party takes a pretty good chunk out of my transaction.

@jesse can tell us all about how fun PCI is. Hahaha.
I work on PCI compliant systems and get to participate in annual audits. It sucks, but it pays for my flying habit.