Is my training going TOO fast?

Dan... how goes the training? I haven't heard from you in a while...
Another trick for determining wind direction is to watch the shadows of clouds as they move across the ground...
Pick a shadow, and a recognizable point on the ground. Do not focus on it (you have other things to be doing), but within a few seconds, look back at the shadow and see which way it has moved from its reference point. This will give you a reasonable indication of direction.
Ah yes, I started taking lessons every weekday, which let me make fast progress but it didn't leave me much free time for hanging out on messageboards and stuff :) Actually, I just passed my checkride two days ago, at 41 hours, and I took my first passengers up yesterday. Woo :)

I forgot to latch the door on our first takeoff and had to abort (with my instructor coming in on base behind me :oops:), but things went great after that, and I actually flew really well. I had to point out to my passengers how well I was flying, because I knew they wouldn't be able to recognize it themselves :)

I'll be flying out to CLL sometime in September for a weekend to visit a friend I haven't seen in years. Is that close to you, t0r0nad0? Maybe we can meet up then too.

Thanks to everyone with the help they provided. The info about engine-out situations in particular really helped.
Hey, CONGRATULATIONS!!! College Station is about 60nm from my home airport... I flew there on a couple of my x-c flights. You pretty much have to go right by Houston, so you should stop by somewhere in Houston on your way and we'll get together. Otherwise, there's a great restaurant at Brenham (11R), and that's about 20nm south of CLL, I could possibly meet you there. If you're going on the weekend of 9/15, stop by Hobby for the event at my museum, we're going to have a bunch of Cubs on the ramp that day!

Congrats again, and I look forward to meeting up with you sometime.