Instrument Written on Monday


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 30, 2005
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Actually it's take 2. But I don't want to talk about it. :D

I picked up the fragments of my ego and practiced reading adf instruments. I think I'm ready.

:D :D :D
Good luck Petra! :D

We need to go flying in the clouds sometime! :)
ADF. The third world standard.

But we actually still use them in the mil. When deployed at a foreign location, what comes out of the back of the C130, FIRST THING? An 8x8 box with an antenna on top, the NDB shack, and the Caterpillar generator.

They will eventually go the way of the A-N ranges, but for now it's appropriate to have to have working knowledge thereof, never mind the operational practice.

You'll do good!
ADF is what gets you home on the dark and stormy night. still a lot of airports around here that are only accessible by NDB unless you have GPS. and the ILS to home is "ADF required" one of my previous instrument students had nav radio failure on his first solo IFR (local) flight. shot the NDB next door to minimums and made it in just fine.
When deployed at a foreign location, what comes out of the back of the C130, FIRST THING? An 8x8 box with an antenna on top, the NDB shack, and the Caterpillar generator.

Not to take this thread off topic, but WHY?! GPS is available to our forces worldwide; why would you put a locating BEACON on your landing site that others could home in on??
I PASSED!!! Right after the test I made a xc to Logan, UT to visit acquaintances and just got home today.

Good Job....I hated studying the ADF. I didn't have to take the written because I had a inst. rating already through the military. I still studied it because I didn't want to look stupid for the oral....and I fly the ADF completely diffrent than adding degrees and making a be honest I couldn't pass a ADF question now. I feel it was one of the few completely worthless questions in the written test...
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I PASSED!!! Right after the test I made a xc to Logan, UT to visit acquaintances and just got home today.


Great job, Petra! :cheerswine:

Now to get the rest of it done so you can get your head in the clouds! :yes: :yes: :yes:
Congrats Petra. The IR written was the hardest test I ever took (includes HS and college).