Insight G4 vs JPI830


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Jul 5, 2013
Northern NV
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Does anyone have any recent experience with Insight's G4? I had been planing to put one in but in reading some things at Beechtalk and elsewhere, I now think the JPI830 might be more reliable and easier to read. I just need to make sure it will fit correctly with my panel.

People have said the knobs on the G4 are difficult to work with because the detents are not real solid and the rear connectors are not as good quality as the JPI stuff.
I have a JPI in my plane - not the model you referenced. Was installed by a previous owner. Unit itself does a fine job, when it was working.

In the past I had noted quite a few aviation chatboard -'ve comments about JPI's customer service. In the past three weeks I have had my own personal experience as they have my unit to replace a failed display. The failed display doesn't bother me; in aviation shzt happens and this is comparatively trivial. But, so far their customer service rates about a 2.125 on a 10 point scale (with 10 being perfection). I could write a Tonight Show monologue with the comedy compendium I have amassed in these short couple of weeks. Readers Digest version, I've had to chase them and chase them and chase them to find out what the status of my unit is. This morning they promised to call me back with an update (is it fixed? is it shipped? anything, puleeeze). No call. Phoned them at 4:30 pm their time..."Shipping tomorrow". It got even more absurd after that since they don't have a credit card from me yet (didn't ask, didn't tell). She said they would call me tomorrow to get that. Must have been quitting time as she did not wish to take it there and then when I suggested it.
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I have a G3 in a 206, it has been working well until this week, it failed after under 2 years in service. Calling Insight they said it was still under warranty but were so backed up with warranty repairs (so they just dont replace a failed unit?) and the shop was down indefinitely so dont send it in now, can't tell you when you'll get it back!! Then I asked why not send me a replacement? they said they had a good show at Sun and fun and couldn't keep up with the orders so all new units were going to new customer sales instead of honoring warranty claims from current customers!! Might be going to JPI, this kind of service is nuts.
Judging from GRG55, JPI may not be much better.