Impossible Turn Tested at Altitude

I"m not terribly impressed with this AOPA video. They give you the impression that the 'impossible turn' is a simple 180 and they demonstrate a 180 losing as little as 300'

One of the conclusions is if there isn't a field strait ahead or slightly to the left or right the pilot might try the impossible turn.

There are many options in between, one of mine would be a crosswind turn and land on the road oriented 90 degrees to the runway.
Bla -bla-bla bla. All talk and no action. Give it as much practice and training as you give to normal landings and then talk your talk.
Bla -bla-bla bla. All talk and no action. Give it as much practice and training as you give to normal landings and then talk your talk.

I suspect a lot of pilots don't practice for straight-ahead forced landings either.