I'm pretty sure this is aviation related.......

Buzz bomb engine on a bicycle and wearing a tie.??

That's entertainment.!!
My old bike could've smoked that thing hard.

My current bike could probably smoke that thing:

My old bike could've smoked that thing hard.

My current bike could probably smoke that thing:


Park your bike behind "that thing" when the jet is ruining and I betcha it'll "smoke"!
My old bike could've smoked that thing hard.

My current bike could probably smoke that thing:


Those are like riding the bus in comparison to what this guy is doing.

Edit: but they are cool bikes.
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Those are like riding the bus in comparison to what this guy is doing.

Edit: but they are cool bikes.
Those are like riding the bus in comparison to what this guy is doing.

Edit: but they are cool bikes.

Baloney. The 954 was a fun bike. Fast as hell and highly maneuverable. You probably don’t understand because I’ll bet you’ve never ridden one.
Crotch, er Buzzbomb? CrotchBuzzbomb.
Not liking explody words in same phrase as that important body place.
Baloney. The 954 was a fun bike. Fast as hell and highly maneuverable. You probably don’t understand because I’ll bet you’ve never ridden one.
I'm not the one who doesn't understand, but it doesn't matter.

Edit: I'm thinking you may not have watched the video....
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Baloney. The 954 was a fun bike. Fast as hell and highly maneuverable. You probably don’t understand because I’ll bet you’ve never ridden one.

I think you may have missed the point. You bought a couple carefully engineered very fast production bikes with proven designs and about as safe as something inherently dangerous can be... in other words, you rode the bus. This guy homebrewed an incredibly stupid dangerous steam-punk flaming contraption based on a bicyle meant to go no faster than maybe 25mph, and had the testicular fortitude/stupidity to actually ride it. Definitely not a bus-rider. Buying a proven design isn't what this is about.
Crotch, er Buzzbomb? CrotchBuzzbomb.
Not liking explody words in same phrase as that important body place.
Buzz Crotchyear. To stupidity and beyond!

It looks fun, but I'm not sure even Wile E Coyote would have climbed on that setup.

Steingar also hangs out at playgrounds and challenges 3 year olds on big wheels to races.
I think you may have missed the point. You bought a couple carefully engineered very fast production bikes with proven designs and about as safe as something inherently dangerous can be... in other words, you rode the bus. This guy homebrewed an incredibly stupid dangerous steam-punk flaming contraption based on a bicyle meant to go no faster than maybe 25mph, and had the testicular fortitude/stupidity to actually ride it. Definitely not a bus-rider. Buying a proven design isn't what this is about.
And I’ll bet he spent more kludging that thing together than I did on either bike. Maybe both. But yeah I’ll take engineering, design, and aesthetics over home-built ****ery every day. Took skill to keep the rubber down on the 954. That bike didn’t at all tolerate being mismanaged. If you’re interested, average life span of a liter sport bike is about 3 weeks. The guy with the jet-powered bike had luck, and nothing more.
Who signed off on the hundred hour inspection, rear tire looks a little low.