IFR training materials....


Joseph 172c

I'm ready to take instrument training...anyone have any book or computer materials they would like to sell?
Thanks !

I went over and looked at my King's IFR tapes and was going to part with them but decided not to.

What I am saying is they come in handy for staying current and "on top" of your IFR.

Consider buying new with the expectation of reviewing them regularly.

To be proficient in IFR, requires a whole lot of extra effort, espically if you don't fly IFR most of the time. Not trying to discourage you but in order to fly IFR safely, you have to be on top of the situation all the time.

Go for it! Just go with an attitude of being the best.

Nearly at the end of my IFR training, I discovered all the training information I would have ever wanted was free on the FAA website. They've got some great PDFs of instrument flying manuals. Between that material, microsoft flight sim and these forums (actually a different forum, but I'm sure this one is fine too), I'm confident I would have been able to prep for the test without additional cost.

Oh yeah, I also used the Sporty's online "study buddy" which asks all the questions from the test and gives answers and explanations. It's not free, but cost something like $14 for 3 month of access, which should be plenty of time. There's other online study guides, most of which I found to be inaccurate or didn't provide enough information.

All this applied to my commercial tests, some materials and help guides. MSFS doesn't really help for commercial testing though.
Nearly at the end of my IFR training, I discovered all the training information I would have ever wanted was free on the FAA website.

That's all the book material I used for my written test. All of the test questions for the instrument written come straight out of the FAA provided materials (FAR, AIM, Instrument Flying Handbook, AC 00-45, AC 00-6A).

I signed up for Dauntless instrument rating test prep for $35 which is the only expense I had in study materials.
The Instrument Flying Handbook, like posted earlier on the FAA's website is a great tool for new and experienced instrument pilots. (As is the Airplane Flying Handbook). I def recommend both of these books.
I like the FAA pubs. Also people like to keep their study materials for future use...its what I do.