If anyone needs to get hold of me.


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Don't bother with the cell phone.

I woke up this morning to find that my dog ate my phone.




And of course the phone isn't made anymore, so all my accessories are useless with any of the new phones. Hoping Verizon CS works wonders for me and finds me a replacement one and overnights it to me.
Don't bother with the cell phone.

I woke up this morning to find that my dog ate my phone.




And of course the phone isn't made anymore, so all my accessories are useless with any of the new phones. Hoping Verizon CS works wonders for me and finds me a replacement one and overnights it to me.

This is what EBay is for....
This is what EBay is for....

Just got off the phone with a GREAT customer service agent.
$50, refurb phone, overnighted to me via FedEx by 10:30am tomorrow.
The $50 included the shipping.
Does your pooch's tummy ring when you call the number?

Bad dog.

Well, luckily I don't think he ingested anything, but there are parts of the circuit board missing, other parts of the phone missing, teeth holes in it. Broken hinges.

He did a number on it - so to speak - and got a nice punishment this morning for it. I don't anticipate him going near the replacement phone anytime soon. He got some jaws on him.

One year old? relax, just another year to go before he outgrows the chewing phase...
Verizon and great customer service in the same sentence? Who'da thunk, I've rarely had good customer service relations with them.

Good that you're getting a replacement. My friend here at work has a beagle, and he says that thing chews everything. He's been known to chew on glass, even.
I love cats too. With a white wine sauce and some capers.
I love my cats. Other than scratching my furniture, they are non-destructive.
Mine's declawed. If he doesn't stop chewing on the small audio wires in the office or those for the cell phone and other chargers, he's gonna get detoothed!
One year old? relax, just another year to go before he outgrows the chewing phase...

Wanna bet? My 8(?) year old chewed up the phone belt clip. To be fair, in her case, it fell on her doggie couch so it was fair game.

I think that was only the second thing she chewed. Can't remember what the last one was but it was similar deal where she had reason to think it was hers.

You might get the impression that I tend to have things fall on the floor once in awhile, often. She ignores them.
I love my cats. Other than scratching my furniture, they are non-destructive.

I beg to differ. I had one that chewed things. And one that "marked its territory" within the house. And then there were the episodes of "eating rubber bands" (what is it about cats that cause them to think rubber bands are edible?)...
I beg to differ. I had one that chewed things. And one that "marked its territory" within the house. And then there were the episodes of "eating rubber bands" (what is it about cats that cause them to think rubber bands are edible?)...
Likewise, how is it mine knows the difference between a LV DC line and a 110VAC line? :dunno:
Haha, I've had this call before, Ed, but the person I spoke with was a moron:

"Why doesn't my warranty cover this?"

Sorry, your warranty doesn't cover acts of dog. :D
Haha, I've had this call before, Ed, but the person I spoke with was a moron:

"Why doesn't my warranty cover this?"

Sorry, your warranty doesn't cover acts of dog. :D

Yeah, she said she wasn't supposed to do it, but since I was asking for an obsolete phone and they've probably got a few they wouldn't mind getting rid of I was in luck. I was ready to buy a new phone (of the same model) and pay for the overnight shipping. I didn't have to, luckily.
Sorry I can't make the big do. I promised the Mrs. I would take her somewhere this weekend, and she don't camp. Have fun!
I love my cats. Other than scratching my furniture, they are non-destructive.
I beg to differ. I had one that chewed things. And one that "marked its territory" within the house. And then there were the episodes of "eating rubber bands" (what is it about cats that cause them to think rubber bands are edible?)...
Bill, you had one of Elizabeth's cats? Wow!:rofl:
There's chewing and then there's chewing. ;-)
As promised the phone arrived. Luckily for me, I have BitPIM and took about 5 minutes for me to load everything back to my phone. All I needed to do was change my default ringer and message alerts and it's like nothing ever happened.
He did a number on it - so to speak - and got a nice punishment this morning for it. I don't anticipate him going near the replacement phone anytime soon. He got some jaws on him.

Awww. With a cute mug like that, how can you stay mad at him?

(Petitions for "sappy" icon)
Weren't we all!:yes::D

BTW, do you get cell phone reception in Sidnaw?

I seem to remember a 'sweet spot' abeam the FBO building, about 10' shy of the runway marker cone where cell coverage could be achieved. It was fleeting, though, and one had to be wise with its use as to not upset the cosmic alignment that allowed it to occur in the first place. :D
Weren't we all!:yes::D

BTW, do you get cell phone reception in Sidnaw?


I'm more likely to get a text message than a call at Sidnaw. Texting only needs to be connected briefly.
Pay phone at Mom's still works. Cancel in the air with ZMP (IFR) or Green Bay FSS (VFR)

PAY PHONE? Does it have a seperate mouthpiece and earpiece?


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Mine's declawed. If he doesn't stop chewing on the small audio wires in the office or those for the cell phone and other chargers, he's gonna get detoothed!

Coat the wires with tobasco sauce... the cat won't try to munch on them again! :)

Our cats are also mostly non-destructive. They are very good about using the scratching post instead of our furniture, except for the couch upstairs. That was resolved with getting some of those sticky strips and putting them on the couch - now they don't claw the couch anymore. Regular claw clippings help reduce that problem too. It's kind of funny because we have one who's a hunter - he stalks and kills any bugs that get inside - and one who's a gatherer. She loves jumping up on the bathroom counter while my better half is getting ready, stealing a hair band, and running off with it. It's a pretty common occurrence to see my girlfriend running through the house with half of her hair wet, chasing the cat to get her hair band back.