I think I found one of Mark's original FAA orientation videos

I wonder if the cork boards in 1963 were littered with 3x5 cards debating whether or you should say "your frequency".
“The FAA’s principal job is to foster aviation...”

That was officially removed from their charter quite some time ago. Not kidding.

Folks said it was a conflict of interest for a regulatory agency.

A significant loss for all of us, IMHO.

We let other agencies rah-rah for their specialties still, but not FAA. Not officially, anyway.
Thanks for posting that, Mike. I rather enjoy old informational films like that.

That C-182 in the film is 1962 E model like mine. You can tell by the back glass. It's the first year to have it and only year that the back glass wrapped around to each side of the fuselage
It’s kinda too bad you don’t get localizer voice advisories when flying an ILS anymore, eh? :)