I think food should taste bad

Still has a lot of empty calories. ;)

When I was on the Keto diet and shed all of the carbs from my diet, my caloric intake drastically dropped automatically. I'm not a regular drinker by any means, but the occasional Jack and Diet wasn't enough to derail the losses.

Unfortunately my job changed and I went back to stress eating. I still dodge carbs where I can, but am no where near as religious about it as I once was.
I have to ask. I understand the whole no-carb or low carb diet, but if you’re making up for that with empty calories in alcohol, then you really haven’t gained anything. I’d much rather have unrefined, complex carbs, than empty calories from alcohol hindering weight loss. Cut the booze and keep the low carb diet as you are and I bet you’ll see those pounds come off.
Alcohol has calories in the sense that it has an energy content, but your body can't process those calories in to something useful such as fat storage, which is why they are called empty calories. The transformation of sugars to alcohol is a one way trip, it can't be reversed. That said, alcohol is not conducive for weight loss for other reasons.
Just take Ozempic like everyone else is doing. ;)
I recently read an article in a respected medical journal that documented the health outcomes of women who are older (like me). Surprisingly, women who are overweight (but not obese) have the best health outcomes when it comes to the health challenges commonly faced by older people. I once had a doctor tell me that she likes to see a little extra weight on her older patients, and during my last physical, my doctor didn't say anything about my weight. That gives me great comfort because I can easy stay in the "overweight" range, but getting down to the "normal" range (whatever that is, which is another issue) is really, really hard for me. Always has been but especially since I became geriatric.
Keep in mind that, for thousands of years, we ate things because we were hungry, not necessarily because they tasted good. I've often told my kids "Everything that's a food became a food because someone was really hungry", something that comes up when they look at something like a lobster and ask why someone ate that. The yummy meals we've become accustomed to as an every day occurrence weren't a thing until basically the past 100 years (maybe say 80... post Great Depression/WWII). Now we have enough food to generally get to the reproductive phase of life without dying from a heart attack, and so we have to use those advanced brains of ours to be smarter.

Over the past few years I've been working more on modifying my diet to be more healthy, plus better exercising, and I cut out the alcohol altogether. Yeah, I'm eating an egg scramble with brussel sprouts, kale, and lentils this morning, but I've gotten used to those as well as drinking my coffee black as opposed to super sugary. When I first made some of those changes it took me a few weeks to get used to it. Once I did, I didn't miss it at all. My current shift is significantly reducing red meat from my diet.

The post above of considering meals as either fuel (gives your body what it needs) or food (more of a treat) I think is a good way of thinking about it.

I'm in the best shape of my life and I feel better than ever (although still some areas to improve upon). I don't necessarily care about living forever, but the goal is to live well as long as possible, unlike some of my relatives who lived a long time and have been physically unable to do much of anything post-retirement. Also, I want to hopefully prevent dementia from occurring - something that has also plagued my blood line.