I sure miss my old airport


Pattern Altitude
Mar 11, 2005
Southwest Missouri
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Today would have been a great day to spend at the airport hanging out with your flying buddies, but not here. There are only 7 airplanes based here and no one was at the airport today. When I was living in Sullivan you could go out about any nice day and find 4+ hangar doors open and someone most likely had a BBQ grill going.
Sure miss my old buds.
Sounds like you needed to pull out the airplane and make a road trip to Sullivan.
Today would have been a great day to spend at the airport hanging out with your flying buddies, but not here. There are only 7 airplanes based here and no one was at the airport today. When I was living in Sullivan you could go out about any nice day and find 4+ hangar doors open and someone most likely had a BBQ grill going.
Sure miss my old buds.
Hey Dean...one of my Citabria buddies flew over to Stockton for the heck of it this afternoon and then landed here before he went back to Pittsburg.

I miss the old days when I used to hang out at the local airports and spend time visiting and flying with the airport bums. Doesn't seem to be as much of that anymore. Not as many airport bums hanging out. And when you live on your own airport, there aren't as many people to visit with.

BTW, Rudy was our preacher when Tom and I got married. He and I took flying lessons at the same time. They are great people. Did he tell you about losing his house to a tornado? He was at the airport and I think Charlene was home when it hit. His boat ended up in a tree. :eek:
Sounds like you needed to pull out the airplane and make a road trip to Sullivan.
If I only had an airplane, I sold it when we moved, no hangar space available within 60 miles of here. And in this part of Missouri you don't let them sit out, if you do, you'll find it in the next county.
I miss the old days when I used to hang out at the local airports and spend time visiting and flying with the airport bums. Doesn't seem to be as much of that anymore. Not as many airport bums hanging out. And when you live on your own airport, there aren't as many people to visit with.

I miss those days too. At AQW, there was a cadre of airport bums who would sit around and talk about almost anything, anytime. One guy flew B-17s in WWII, another guy flew for GE for almost his entire career, yet another had the ugliest (bright aqua green) TriPacer I've ever seen, and so on. I would sit there and listen to those guys b-s for an entire afternoon, play horseshoes, and watch the sunset over Mt. Greylock.

Some of them are gone (RIP boys), aome of them stopped flying, and some moved away (like me). All ages, all skills, all generations . . . but we were all pilots on some level.



If I only had an airplane, I sold it when we moved, no hangar space available within 60 miles of here. And in this part of Missouri you don't let them sit out, if you do, you'll find it in the next county.

I had the same problem finding a hangar when I moved to Missouri, no hangars available, but I wont let that stop me from owning a plane. I enjoy flying too much!