I need some career guidance from anyone really. (Long post incoming)

Semantics but very important - don't enlist if you want to fly. Must be an officer to fly.

I stated enlist to go to cadets. Flying sergeants ended after ww2. If you make it thru, you are commissioned. If you don't make it thru you are a Pfc and have a dull job. Another subject.....our current mailman retires in a few weeks from the post officeHe went to Vietnam as a grunt , broke, at 18. Was in combat. Many buddy's died. The post office provided him a decent living and a decent retirement. My wife and I really like him. Nice person.
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Cadets as in the Academy?

I think they either don't have the program you are talking about or I've never heard of it in the 15 years I've been flying in the USAF. Sounds like it was a good deal.