I messed up in not reporting


Filing Flight Plan
May 27, 2024
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I failed to report a few wellness visits and a medication by pure ignorance. No excuse. How do I correct this
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Write them at AAM 331, PO box 25082, 6500 S MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma City OK 73125
But to avoid heartache, if the med requires documentation, send that with the report also.
Write them at AAM 331, PO box 25082, 6500 S MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma City OK 73125
But to avoid heartache, if the med requires documentation, send that with the report also.
Thank you sir for the info. The med is the Lipitor generic thing. I never really go to doctors and did a few wellness visits but just failed to report and the meds because of my own ignorance. No excuse. What documentation would they need for that med? Appreciate you
thanks sir. It’s a cholesterol approved med and honestly i never went to doctors until last year to do wellness stuff and my AME didn’t care about wellness stuff really, so my ignorance. What documentation would chol meds need? Ame said it’s ok to report next visit?
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Tha't'l be a yawn. Just send them a letter saying you forgot to report your statin. Only Repatha requres a "no side effects letter".
Tha't'l be a yawn. Just send them a letter saying you forgot to report your statin. Only Repatha requres a "no side effects letter".
Ok thank you sir. My AME never cared about wellness visits nor did I ever go to one until 2 years ago so I never reported those. However if I had a more pronounced issue, I reported that. Again this is all my ignorance and probably should read the intent of the question asked about medical visits, so do I just tell them I had those visits as well? One of those is where the statin was prescribed. My ame is out of country on vacation now but when I spoke to him a few days ago, he said not to worry about it.