I laughed until my belly hurt!


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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Simple humor, yes, but it cracked me up...


  • squirrelpult.wmv
    2.5 MB · Views: 98
Is that available on any other format?? My windows media doesn't freaking work. And I can't delete it, and I can update it ... grrrr.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you!

I've been looking for a truely squirrel proof feeder that was also attractive.

I wonder how long the battery lasts.... When it wears out, you are suddenly down five pounds of bird seed. I lile the squirrelpult better!

Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you!

I've been looking for a truely squirrel proof feeder that was also attractive.

I was thinking of getting one of those feeders. Not not more.

Today I watched a squirrel ravishing a seed pod he found in my front yard. I have a bunch of fruit trees, too.

There are some mysterious small corn cobs in the yard too. I have no idea where they come from. I know there's at least one racoon around.

All of that will be cleaned up this week.

The coolest thing - I spotted a beautiful Blue Jay in my trees. That's the first time this city kid has seen one, but I digress.

As I told the guys in chat last night. I've heard some strange sounds and found stuff that "just fell" on the floor of the kitchen. I was hearing this strange metallic sound last night. I looked over. Nothing. Heard it again. After hearing this a couple more times I go closer and see this scrawny brown mouse snacking on a fork on my my kitchen counter. I got a broom and whacked him a couple of times but he ran under a stove. I hope I gave him a limp. I'm off to get traps right now. I have to go on a hole patching patrol.

I decided bird watching is not worth having seed on the ground to attract more of his relatives.