I Have the Best CFI


Pattern Altitude
Mar 22, 2020
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I had another lesson super early this morning, thankfully before it got into the 90s - lots more pattern work and landings, which are sloooowly getting better over all. I bounced today for the first time. I know exactly why I did, too, and it makes me mad that I was too slow to fix it before I bounced. Eventually, the stuff I know will be translated into skills, but it is slightly annoying when you know exactly how to do something and can't do it!

Anyway, by the time I got done, I was apparently brain-dead, because I went into the FBO and left my phone on the couch where I was sitting for de-brief, and drove the 1.5 hours home. Which meant I had to drive back to the airport to get my phone. When I got to the airport, my CFI was there, and she'd found my phone (and found my dad's phone number online and called him to make sure I knew I'd left my phone there!). And she'd gotten me an Oreo flurry because she knew my car didn't have AC and it was so hot. She just got promoted from "Great CFI" to "Very Best". :)
She must be the best to drive 1 1/2 hrs for a lesson. It is hard to find a good one, and I would be willing to drive that far as well. Good luck.
Darn, she one-upped the rest of us. We all have to strive to be better than this! LOL
Eventually, the stuff I know will be translated into skills, but it is slightly annoying when you know exactly how to do something and can't do it!

One day, it will click and you will wonder why it was so hard to get there.

You have to drive 1.5 hr to the airport?! I admire your dedication!
The drive sounds really long, but when you get there and fly, it is totally worth it! Plus, being able to just drive and think about the lesson for 1.5 hours afterwards is an awesome way to remember stuff and have it really sink in. Driving it just to get my phone was slightly maddening, though. ;)
And to think I was mad Wednesday when I forgot my phone in the plane. I caught it halfway home..... had to go back.....10 miles......