I flew an airplane....


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 29, 2007
New England
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for the first time in about 26 years this week. I took two lessons with a great CFI in a Cessna 172 to see if I still had the bug..... and yes, the bug, which has been simmering for the past 26 years is back on fire.

I flew Wednesday and Thursday, the CFI let me do most of the flight, we went to the practice area did some turns, a stall, pitch control and a few other things. Then we went to the pattern and did three landings, on which I progressively did more. I'm very rusty and were I on my own the plane would have been destroyed, but things did improve. The next day I went up again and things were better, I started settling down. We pretty much did the same thing as the day before, then did 5 more landings. The CFI said I did about 90% of the flying in the pattern, I just need work on the flare and staying aligned with the runway during the flare. I know what to do but getting to the point of getting it done on my own is going to take some more practice.

So my goal with these lessons was to see if getting my medical would be worth it. I'm going to need an SI. I contacted a local AME who is willing to work with me and help me through. I had also contacted Bruce a year or two ago, when I started then stopped this process. Bruce thought I had a pretty good chance of getting a medical. So it's off to the doctors to get the tests and docs necessary, hopefully they will be fine and hopefully I'll be cleared to fly solo. Meanwhile, I think I'll take some more lessons and try to get to the point where the CFI sits with his arms crossed while I land.
Meanwhile, I think I'll take some more lessons and try to get to the point where the CFI sits with his arms crossed while I land.

Hmm don't know about that. I personally may have them resting on my thighs but definitely not crossed. ;):D

Welcome back to flight. I hope you're successful on your medical and can eventually go up by yourself. Good luck!
I took 20 years off and then got back into it flying gliders. I thought I was going to have medical problems, so gliders seemed like a good option. You might try that if your SI is going to take awhile since you can solo, and even get your rating without a medical.
Congrats. I hadn't flow for the past 11 years, since April of '06 and just completed a flight review a week or two ago. Took me a couple of flights, 3.2 hours total. Got the bug again myself and going to keep flying. Well, I never really lost the bug, just really wasn't in a financial position to do it. Now I am.
I'm going to need an SI.

I had to get a SI due to sleep apnea, but it was really a non-event. Just had the printout from my machine sent in with the other stuff the ME sends in, and something I signed saying I was in compliance. ME issued the medical right then at my exam. Got a letter from the FAA a few weeks later just saying I needed to stay in compliance and get my sleep Dr. to sign off on compliance when I get my medicals. Didn't even need that sign-off this first time.
Congrats and welcome back! We need more like you to get back in the game.