I can't sleep...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 2, 2005
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I hate it when this happens..
Hey - fwiw, I got to be DD tonight, and drive miles and miles to take others to go to a casino in the middle of the mountains, with snow falling. Drunk people are irritating.
Still can't sleep. This is getting ridiculous. I guess I shouldn't sleep all weekend :)
I hate it when this happens..

Saturday nite I stayed up late yakking online. Set the clock
forward. Set the alarm for 5am on Sunday. Got up. No problem
sleeping last nite .. I was beat.

I've spent so much time over the last 11 yrs floating back
and forth to Miami that changing back and forth an hour
doesn't have much effect on me.

I feel for you... I flew out here (Chicago) Sunday night and was dog-tired by the time I got to my lodgings, but could not sleep more than 4 hours, even though I didn't have to be on-site until 3PM. Woke up at six-ish and because it was overcast I had no idea if it was AM or PM, I was so out of it.
Forced myself back into bed once I confirmed it was getting lighter outside, but couldn't even relax, let alone sleep.Everyone at the NY office seemed to have forgotten I would be on nights this trip- damn phone kept ringing all morning.
Did a short shift, so I'm back at the apt. now, but I have to meet with the electrical foreman in the morning, then do some shopping, then try to rest up for a long night shift. I was pretty droopy when I left the site today, but now I feel like I'm rallying...will I ever get any proper sleep? Help!!!

By the end of these two weeks I'll either be pretty well-adjusted or totally screwed-up; who knows...?
Stop drinking so much cola and/or coffee. This is just a guess, and maybe you don't drink any, but when I see how much caffeine people consume nowadays, I have no problem seeing why, in general, Americans don't get enough sleep. No matter how much I might want to, I will NOT drink anything caffeinated after about 1000 because I know if I do, I won't be able to sleep at night. This has been true for years, and now that I've gotten a little bit older, I am even careful about eating chocolate too late. I'm not alone--I know lots of people like this, and it gets worse as you get older.

A problem I have is the most active biological clock you will ever encounter. If I am up late for some reason, it doesn't matter how late I go to bed or how tired I am, I cannot sleep past 0530-0600 I hate it, although it does have a good side. I am almost never awakened by an alarm clock. In fact, if I have to get up really early for some reason, say 0330 to catch an early-morning flight, 95% of the time I will wake up just before the alarm was to go off. Since I HATE being awakened by alarm clocks, this is a good thing.

Oh yeah, I also need 7.5-8 hours of sleep every night, too. So you can imagine what kind of social life I have.

I know how you feel. I didn't fall asleep until about 5, I have class at 9.
Judy, you and I are the same I think. I have an internal clock and if I have an early flight, I'm awake minutes before the alarm. That is the ONLY time I ever need an alarm, too. I usually wake with the sun. And oh yeah, 8 hours is needed. I can get by with a little less for a few days (7) but I can tell...

Although I don't think coffee after 10 would affect me too much. Not that I drink it later.. but on the rare occasions that I have, early afternoon doesn't seem to make a difference. After 5 PM would...
Stop drinking so much cola and/or coffee. This is just a guess, and maybe you don't drink any, but when I see how much caffeine people consume nowadays,
What is caffeine?

I gave that stuff up years ago. I used to drink 60 oz of iced tea a day plus coffee. I stopped, went through withdrawals and started feeling better. now the only time I drink coffee with caffeine in it is when I am traveling and need something to help wake up to shake off the jetlag.
ps. I can not and will not drink soda in any form. it makes me ill - I can't understand how people can drink the stuff. It's truly nasty. I suppose that fact gives me a leg up on being healthy though - consuming all that empty sugar has to be bad for you.
'Struth... I drink too much coffee; it doesn't help. But sometimes when you're just over-tired and trying to swing from one sleep cycle to another, nothing helps. Booze or drugs just leave me all discombobulated when I wake up, unless I have the luxury of sleeping as long as I want to.
Couple beers last night helped me a little... and now of course I'm sitting here waiting (and waiting) for the EC after bouncing out of bed early like a good boy.
I can't win... :rolleyes:
I've found that I tend to wake with the sun too. Around late August, early September, when the sun's rising at about 6:45 here, I have no problem getting up that early, and often don't need the alarm. Right around now, when the sun isn't coming up until nearly 7:30 or 7:45, I have to absolutely drag myself to get out of bed before 7:00.

I always used to drink a lot of pop. I used to be able to have a can of pepsi next to my bed like most people have water... now I've found that anything after about 9:00pm is a bad idea. I have, in fact, given up all caffeine for Lent, so it's not currently a problem.
caffeine has no effect on me. I can drink a 20oz Coke just before bed and go right to sleep.
i used to drink probably 100 oz of mountain dew in a night of work and zonk out like a light. i went cold turkey off soda for 2 years and it was fine. have started drinking again but manage to limit myself.
Still can't sleep. This is getting ridiculous. I guess I shouldn't sleep all weekend :)

Did you take advantage of the sleeplessness and go get night current? I mean, if you gotta be awake, you might as well be flying!!
I've found that I tend to wake with the sun too. Around late August, early September, when the sun's rising at about 6:45 here, I have no problem getting up that early, and often don't need the alarm. Right around now, when the sun isn't coming up until nearly 7:30 or 7:45, I have to absolutely drag myself to get out of bed before 7:00.

I always used to drink a lot of pop. I used to be able to have a can of pepsi next to my bed like most people have water... now I've found that anything after about 9:00pm is a bad idea. I have, in fact, given up all caffeine for Lent, so it's not currently a problem.

And keep it up afterwards! At least avoid the soda. That stuff will rot your teeth. A friend from college said he decided to go on a diet. He did nothing more than drop soda off his daily drink. He lost 30 pounds - by doing nothing more than switching to water. He drank a lot of soda though - as in a few liters a day, prior to stopping cold turkey.
caffeine has no effect on me. I can drink a 20oz Coke just before bed and go right to sleep.
My girlfriend is the same way... she can drink a whole can of Diet Coke right before laying down and be asleep in 5 mins. Coffee tends to keep her awake though, for some reason - even decaf.

Me, I try not to have any caffeine after 6pm or I just cannot get to sleep that night.
I rarely consume caffeine. I prefer a good cup of tea (or 10 or 20). However, I usually drink decaf tea or herbal tea unless I need a little boost.

~ Christopher
I've been caffeine free for a couple years now. Like others have stated, I thought the stuff had no effect on my sleeping ability. However, once I got through the withdraws it became obvious how poorly my sleep actually had been.
by now it's a little late to offer timely advice, but for the future I ditto the comments about Tylenol PM. Just enough to turn tired into sleepy.

By the way, all those with bad things to say about coffee are heretics. Coffee is the Elixir of Life (except the 7-11 quality crap).
by now it's a little late to offer timely advice, but for the future I ditto the comments about Tylenol PM. Just enough to turn tired into sleepy.

By the way, all those with bad things to say about coffee are heretics. Coffee is the Elixir of Life (except the 7-11 quality crap).
You and I live in a good coffee free zone too! That excrement at our Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds smells bad too! Goldie's used to be good (they are up on Rt 31) but the new owners have reduced the quality a lot.