How's this for retarded....


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
I, as an instructor, need to have 10 hours of dual instruction from a flight instructor for insurance purposes in a Comanche I am looking at buying. The instructor that I am required to get 10 hours of training from, is only required to have FIVE hours in a Comanche.

Someone care to explain that one?
Ask the insurance company to explain that one.

As a wild a$$ed guess, if it is for a specific instructor, it might have something to do with his other complex time.

Otherwise, insurance companies do not necessarily make sense.
(can't wait to see him get out of this one...)
Nothing makes more sense to me than being required to get more hours training in an airplane than the person training me is required to have :D
I, as an instructor, need to have 10 hours of dual instruction from a flight instructor for insurance purposes in a Comanche I am looking at buying. The instructor that I am required to get 10 hours of training from, is only required to have FIVE hours in a Comanche.

Someone care to explain that one?

But after the first 5 hrs he will have 10.

Does he have 5 more hours than you do ?
I, as an instructor, need to have 10 hours of dual instruction from a flight instructor for insurance purposes in a Comanche I am looking at buying. The instructor that I am required to get 10 hours of training from, is only required to have FIVE hours in a Comanche.

Someone care to explain that one?

They just don't want you being taught bad habits :)
Can you instruct him during his five hours?
I have had to do this. A couple bought an Azteck. I pointed the couple to a gentleman that had time, but they wanted me. The insurance wanted me to have 15 hours in the aircraft. The insurance company would let me go out by myself and fly for 15 hours and then teach them. I thought it was dumb but...
As it turns out, I only need a checkout (not time specific) if I don't have 10 hours of Comanche time prior to the start of the policy. The instructor giving me the checkout has to have 5 Comanche time.
Just curious Ed, what did they quote you on the policy? I looked into buying a Comanche a couple of years ago and the premium scared me off, cause at the time I had 0 complex/HP time.
2321 with 0 time in type. That was with Global. I talked to Av over on the red board, and Avemco offers a bunch of discounts once you start racking up time in type.
2321 with 0 time in type. That was with Global. I talked to Av over on the red board, and Avemco offers a bunch of discounts once you start racking up time in type.

Not a bad deal, the best we could do was $2600, no retract time, no time in type. But, that $2600 is divided by two...
I was taught to fly a C-206 by a number of pilots who were not instructors. When it came time for me to go off on my own the insurance company wanted a checkout by a CFI. The company found an instructor, an older guy who had zero time in C-206s. As I recall, my "checkout" was once around the pattern and his comment was something like, "You know this airplane and fly it better than I ever could." :dunno:
As it turns out, I only need a checkout (not time specific) if I don't have 10 hours of Comanche time prior to the start of the policy. The instructor giving me the checkout has to have 5 Comanche time.
Your need for a checkout with zero time, seems logical. But it is still funny that the instructor need only 5 hours in type. :)
As it turns out, I only need a checkout (not time specific) if I don't have 10 hours of Comanche time prior to the start of the policy. The instructor giving me the checkout has to have 5 Comanche time.

So if you had 5hrs in type could you check yourself out? :D
2321 with 0 time in type. That was with Global. I talked to Av over on the red board, and Avemco offers a bunch of discounts once you start racking up time in type.

That sounds a lot better than the $4000 I was quoted:hairraise: I am sure I could do a lot better now as well.
I wonder how much time is required to really make a difference? I was quoted virtually the same thing on Comanche. Between PA-24s and PA-28Rs, I've got over 100 hours in type, and I've yet to bend one significantly.

~ Christopher
I wonder how much time is required to really make a difference? I was quoted virtually the same thing on Comanche. Between PA-24s and PA-28Rs, I've got over 100 hours in type, and I've yet to bend one significantly.

~ Christopher

Called Avemco, their drop is at 900 hours.
Got a message from insurance agent, once I hit 50 in make and model, $500 drop in premium.
Got a message from insurance agent, once I hit 50 in make and model, $500 drop in premium.

...right in line with what I'd expect.
Not a bad deal, the best we could do was $2600, no retract time, no time in type. But, that $2600 is divided by two...

Out of curiosity, are these numbers per year, or per 6 months like car insurance, or what? I've always been curious what range aviation insurance ran but never heard any numbers.

Out of curiosity, are these numbers per year, or per 6 months like car insurance, or what? I've always been curious what range aviation insurance ran but never heard any numbers.


Sounds like a per annum number. I pay for my Warrior $900/year on a $1million smooth policy. When I quoted the Arrow I was considering the cost was $1300/annum with $100,000 per pax $1m total but I have 50 hours of retract time and HP time (not that the Arrow was HP).