How Weird is THIS Youtube Video?

It seems to be a training video, to learn just enough English to go to the US and get mugged.

that's 3:46 of my life that I can't get back. Gone forever!

TV in Japan is just plain strange from a western perspective. I'd have the tube on at night and just shake my head.
Spike, Did you run on to this video while you were trying to learn a little Japanese? Or were you looking for a work out Video? Just wondering. Bob
Holy christ, that was hilarious. My roommates and I watched it laughing, first thing this morning.

Very weird.

"I was lobbed by two men!"
TV in Japan is just plain strange from a western perspective. I'd have the tube on at night and just shake my head.
You got that right. I saw this one show which was 30 minutes of a girl with a camera crew running around the beach. She would run up to woman pull open their shirts and peek down. The viewer never saw anything. Then the girl would critic what she saw.

I have seen the show that this video is from. They do stuff like this a lot. The Japanese, and a lot of the world for that matter, consider the US to be a very dangerous place.
I wanna know who the heck came up with the idea of tying the bandana around the guys nose.
It'd sure be interestin to see what the bad guys think of those hand and arm gestures while the victim pleads with those words <g>.
Now, I'm gonna be thinkin about that vid all evening, seesh.

