How to navigate thunderstorms?

The SMART way would be to take a savvy thunderstorm-avoiding CFI with you. It will help you develop some practical methods using wx apps on your tablet, and more importantly, empirically understand when circumnavigating convective weather is simply not practical or safe. Flying above a broken or overcast layer of clouds without an IR is, dare I say, extremely foolish. If you somehow find yourself above a solid undercast (that extends to the horizon) the best thing you could ever do is get a hold of center or tracon and DECLARE AN EMERGENCY! They should be able to provide a heading to the nearest, and clearest airport. Should you fly into honest to goodness IMC conditions, statistically likely you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to fly your way out. I’m afraid I strongly disagree with Mr. Jaybee - the only clouds I advocate flying over for non IR pilots are those you could avoid even if your engine failed.